Chapter 36 - "Not the time for friendly chit-chat, Hope"

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In an instant, he is pinned to a tree. Hope bares her teeth. Venom drips from her fangs. She growls.

He doesn't appear afraid. His heart thumps at a steady pace, almost as if he believes he has the upper hand. Which he may. Josie has disappeared again, and she bets it is his fault.

Hope tightens her grip on his neck. It would be so easy to snap his neck right now, or to tear his heart out, but without knowing Josie's whereabouts, she can't risk it. Not when he may be the only one that knows it.

Maybe she can't kill him yet, but she can hit him. Over and over. to the face, the chest, his arms. If he were human the force of the punches would have broken his bones, shattered them even.

She hits him in the nose, blood splatters in her face, and yet all he does is laugh.

"Where the hell is my girlfriend?" She shouts. Her tone of voice is strong, and he just laughs in her face again. "What's so funny?"

"For a tribrid, you're rather blind when the magic happens right in front of you." Another laugh. An evil chuckle.

"I swear to god if you hurt her again, I will tear you limb from limb."

"Thing is, I want her dead. Then I want you dead. I've come back to finish what I started. I've brought friends. And right now those friends are inside that school and tearing through all those that you care about." He smiles, whilst she focuses her hearing on the school. The fighting, the screams, and the sound of blood spilling has only gotten stronger.

"I swear to god I'll kill you!" She tightens her grip again, but she's soon gripping nothing. He's disappeared. Hope growls at where he just stood. With her vamp speed, she rushes to the school. She follows the sound through the hallways, tearing out the hearts of anyone who doesn't belong.

The sounds are strongest in the gym and she rushes there, stopping briefly when she sees the bodies of Alyssa and her vampire boyfriend. She doesn't have time to spare saying goodbyes, so with a heavier heart, she dashes closer to the gym.

When the doors open, it reveals chaos. Alaric is pinned to the wall by magic, struggling to maintain the grip of his weapon. Lizzie is siphoning magic from MG as he fights off enemies daring to get close, all the while she uses his magic to fight off those further away. Her family is speeding around. Freya and Davina are using any and every spell they can think of. Kol and Rebekah shove stakes into the hearts of two vampires that are trying to get to them.

Still, the only person she can't see is Josie. Even if she was there, there's no way Hope would see her or know she's there.

With what he said about magic, with Josie disappearing before her eyes. It could only mean one thing - a cloaking spell. But Hope would be damned if she let that stop her from finding Josie. If she let it stop her from protecting everyone.

"Invidia." She says, causing pain for the witch who has Alaric pinned. Once he's released, he shoots his crossbow, sending a stake through a heart that has a vampire dropping dead immediately. Hope fights off those coming near her with ease, all while continuing her spell until the witch that went after Alaric fell to the ground. A vampire runs at her, but she spots him from a mile away and can steal his heart before he can even throw a punch. What she doesn't see, or doesn't have time to prepare for is the vampire charging at her from behind. They manage to tackle her to the ground.

"Le specto tre colo ves bestia." Hope says and now she clutches the vampire's heart in the palm of her hand. She stands back up, hitting another vamp across the face. A punch to her head, she ducks. A punch to her ribs, but she grabs their hand before they can pull it back. She squeezes tighter and tighter, being able to both feel and hear as the bones cracked under her fingertips. The person yells out in pain.

"Le specto tre colo ves bestia." She says again, now dropping the two hearts to the ground.

A piercing scream makes it to her ears. Across the room, a vampire is digging its fangs into Lizzie's neck. Thankfully, all witches and wolves had been consuming vervain daily, meaning the second her blood hit the vampire's tongue, it started to burn away their taste buds. It allows enough time for Hope to go over and assist Lizzie in removing the vampire, before creating a steak from a chair nearby and stabbing them through the heart.

"Are you okay?" Hope asks.

"Not the time for friendly chit-chat, Hope!" Lizzie punches a person in the face, knocking them out cold. If the situation weren't so serious, Hope might've made some snarky comment about it and Lizzie would've made one back.

No time for chit-chat.

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