Information To Know Before Reading

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Hello! It's been a long time coming (at least 2 years, in fact)! Some of you might be confused if you've seen this story get updated, but allow me to explain. I have been working on a complete rewrite of the entire thing because I felt unhappy with my writing. I had felt like it had become more of something I had to do than something I wanted to do. But after taking time away from this story and working on my writing. I felt as if I could come back to it and improve certain parts. I'ev practiced my writing with other stories (you may have seen them on my ao3 or my 'Hosie Stories' book) which has helped me improve this one. I'm much happier with how this story is now. There may end up being more changes in the future, but nothing as major as this.

In this update, you may notice (if you've read the story before) that there are chapters/parts missing. This is because I felt they didn't really add too much to the plot or weren't important enough compared to other things I wanted to include. You may also notice that there are some new things/chapters, which are ideas that I came up with along the way that I thought would help the story along or fill in some gaps as it continues. Since rewriting, I made the decision to move it all into the third person because I find writing in that way a lot easier. I've also chosen to make it into present tense too, which is also easier for me but doesn't really make too much of a difference to the story itself. Other than that, here are some basic points that are the same as before:

- Some things are similar to the show, but others are completely different/happen in a different way
- Some things happen here that didn't happen in the show
- The general plot of it is my idea but I do not take credit for the characters in any way
- Some heavy topics may be discussed throughout the story
- Some chapters may be longer than others
- Any spells used have been taken from the TVDU wiki
- Malivore is a thing in this universe, but it is not the main focus and will be more of a background storyline, if at all

Also, any comments related to the original version of this story/stuff are no longer relevant and now will be deleted as I post the updated versions, just so newer readers aren't confused or people aren't left wondering where their comments went. I want to start this story fresh...well almost.

Once again, I'm sorry it took so long, but the inspiration to write tends to come and go. Hopefully, it is all worth it. Other than that, thank you for being so patient with me. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed rewriting it :)

Feelings - A Hosie StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora