Chapter 35 - "Fancy seeing you here"

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It's been a week and a half since their first session. Every student still around has been working hard to practice and use the skills they've been taught by the Mikaelsons. It's gone well, and every other day, during the night session they split into two teams to test out the skills they learned.

And they've all improved. Whether they are a witch with magic or a vampire with extra strength, they've all been learning the best way to use their powers to an advantage. Yet, they're also prepared to fight in hand-to-hand combat should it come to it.

Two of the wolves, Rafael and Jed chose to take Hope's blood daily like Josie. None of the witches did, saying they value their connection to nature and that they didn't want to lose it.

Josie can understand that. If she had been a regular witch, perhaps her view of the situation would have been different.

The reasons for the training may not be the greatest of things, but if anything it has brought the students closer together. It has united them all with a sense of determination to come out of this fight victorious. While there may still be some lingering tension between Hope, Josie, and Landon, they all choose to ignore it in favor of more important matters. For things like discussing the training with the other students.

On Landon's part, it has been mostly discussing how he's been used as a dummy for certain spells seeing as he can't die.

Rafael talks about how he feels closer to his wolf like he understands that part of himself far better than before.

The twins, along with the other witches have said how learning offensive magic is so fun and a skill they've needed to have since coming to the school. They talk about their wishes to have it remain in the curriculum.

MG is certain his vampire abilities have improved drastically. He now can use them in ways he couldn't before. Ways that will certainly be useful in battle.

Working closely with the Mikaelsons has entirely changed how many of the students view that family. They no longer see them as such a threat. They aren't evil to the students anymore, they're just a family who love and care about each other.


In the night session, the students are again split into two teams, an equal mix of every species on both. Hope and Josie are on opposing teams.

As spells are thrown and punches are blocked, Hope and Josie end up in a one-on-one. Well, Josie thought it would be funny to go after Hope, except she hadn't anticipated how distracted she'd become when Hope fights back. She's not sure if it's because of how Hope looked - how her face shows concentration and her eyes glow with a certain fierceness, or if it's purely her confidence in each attack, yet how she ensures none of them cause serious damage to her, but Josie can't focus for the life of her.

Josie throws spells back, but Hope deflects them easily. What's worse is Josie is normally better than this - she's even "beaten" Hope a few times, but now, any focus has flown out the window and she is instead completely distracted by everything that Hope is. By her beauty and strength. By her confidence and speed. All of it.

In a handful of seconds, when Josie is too busy thinking about Hope's eyes, the tribrid sweeps her legs and pins her to the floor. She straddles Josei, ensuring she has no way of getting up. Then, she lays a hand on her chest, simulating the act of ripping her heart out.

"And you're dead," Hope says. All Josie sees is her lips moving with each letter. All she feels is Hope's tight grip on her and the burning sensation it leaves in her stomach. Had it been anyone else, she'd have pushed them off by now, perhaps even slapped them for being so cocky. But not her girlfriend. Not when she's on top of her like this. Not when her mind is wandering to places it shouldn't, to non-PG places.

And she knows Hope is waiting for a response, but she can find the words. She doesn't trust her voice. Something tells her Hope will tease her about this in the future. So, Josie clears her throat and says the first thing that comes to mind.

"Not my fault." She mentally slaps herself in the face, feeling like a total idiot. She blushes, which is impossible to hide from Hope. She sees the smirk it sets on her girlfriend's face.

"Oh come on now, love. Don't be such a sore loser." Hope puts a hand out to help them both stand.

"It wasn't my fault you were distracting me." Josie huffs, dusting off her clothes. Most people would say it's embarrassing that Hope can have such an effect on her. And to make the embarrassment worse, Hope clearly knows what she's doing.

Josie looks around to make sure nobody else is witnessing this entire interaction. She sighs in relief when she sees that everybody else is still far too busy training.

"Sorry for being a distraction." Hope winks. Josie blushes again.

Damn it.

"Let's go again," Josie says, determined to beat Hope.


The Mikaelson's thank everyone for their hard work and students start to scatter. Hope is sipping at her drink, peaking over at Josie when she gets an idea.

"How about this? Seeing as we are tied right now, you and I race to the lake? First one there gets to be the big spoon tonight."

"Deal. But to make it fair, no vamp speed."

"Don't need it anyway." Hope shrugs like it's nothing.

The pair brace themselves, bottles of water in hand. They face the right direction.

"!" Hope shouts.

They go.

She picks up pace quickly, never quite reaching the point that it would otherwise be classed as non-human speed. She runs, the breeze brushing past her, with Josie nowhere in sight. She laughs to herself, thinking about the line she'll throw at Josie to rub it in her face that she's lost.

And win she does. Hope gets there minutes later. She stops short of the dock, hardly even breaking a sweat or gasping for air. Josie manages to catch up, in the end having only been some odd seconds behind. When she stops, her hands fall to her knees, as she bends over, trying to catch her breath. Hope giggles.

"Hey, Jo I-" Hope looks back. Josie's not there. Hope can't even see her on the path. She takes a deep breath and listens. She hears the quiet tweeting of birds and rabbits running wild. Then she hears the worst noise of all. Fighting. Except training has stopped. So, whatever is happening is real.

"It's starting." She mumbles to herself, her panic rising as the fight is starting in the background and her girlfriend is nowhere to be seen. Nowhere to be heard. Not even the gentle thumping of her heart.

"Fancy seeing you here."

Hope's eyes change on their own.


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