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Sketching my face isn't anything new to me but when adding eyes of a killer and fangs of one has me scratching my head in confusion. For the past few night's it's been the same dream over and over. I get to the cliff, the vampire version of me shows up, I'm looking into her eyes then I'm being in a chokehold with her nails dug into my skin. Glancing over at what Darce gave me, I tilt my head absorbing the words, New Orleans, 1910. Wiping my forehead having charcoal stained on to it, my clothes and hands I get up going to clean up until a gush of cold air hits me and I'm faced with a soul covered in burns. "H...Help...me..." they say, touching my arm. Their handprint burns into my skin and I yelp in pain but touch their forehead wanting to see their memories. Because I'm not as experienced, my nose bleeds profusely as I take in the images being given as I stood there with the tortured soul.

After a few more minutes I drop to the ground and drift to the Specter in a place I've never traveled before. It was as if the souls were waiting for something...someone. Accidentally bumping into a few they mumble a few words but none were audible. I try to listen closer but get jumped by a mirrored soul that has something to say, "Hide!" They hollered in such a damning tone causing my body to stiffen under their touch. Closing my eyes I try to get back to my realm but end up next to Darce in his club.

The mirrored soul is gone and I'm a mess sticking out like a sore thumb.

"Are you alright," being concerned for the first time he puts his cup down and touches the handprint left burning on my arm.

Being worn out I pass out falling onto his shoulder and he takes hold of me having Marv get one of the rooms opened. Placing me on the bed that's there and making the room private, he tells Marv to get me fresh clothes and some water. While waiting he moves a curl out my face and hovers over really taking in the sight of me. Reaching to caress my cheek he stops hearing Marv come back with what he asked for. Sitting he takes the water and wipes the charcoal and blood off my face then gently cleans my hands and arm. "Want me to close everything for today," Marv asks while handing Darce a bowl to wring the handkerchief he used to clean me with.

"Yes and have the ones staying to behave."

Marv obeying Darce's order leaves while Darce kept caring for me, like I was his precious gold only he knew about but wanted safe.

Having that dream while being in his realm makes my insides curl, making heavy sweat form and my veins spring out my neck.

Almost holding me down from flying out of bed, I wake and my eyes flung open as I said, "Ja estic mort," causing Darce to almost stumble back knowing those words.

"Odette?" He murmurs out but I just close my eyes again and reopened them to be sitting out in the garden.

Strained I lay down taking in the little bit of sun beaming through feeling the blades of grass around me. Being sleepy, I drift off and my dream is different this time. I'm in a ballroom with the most expensive dress getting ready to walk down these spiral stairs. Holding onto the railing as I look down from above, I see Neriah in an old fashion suit drinking in the corner. Darce's fragrance can be smelt behind me as he kisses my shoulder since it's not covered. He says something in the language I spoke in earlier then holds my hand taking me to a garden almost like mine.

Giggling like crazy he smiles and pulls me down onto the flower bed that's there holding my face.

"Stay with me tonight," using his finger he trails up and down my arm and I say something but get startled when Neriah finds me and Darce together.

Jealousy takes over and I'm grabbed off Darce and see Neriah's eyes glowing red.

"Brother-" Darce starts to say to Neriah but Neriah is looking at me only caring about my explanation.

"Tell me what I saw isn't true," holding my hands tight he asks again, "Odette, tell me what I saw isn't true." Hearing that name makes my skin crawl realizing the horrid truth that I was once this Odette they clearly loved.

Waking I hear thunder in the distance wondering how long I was asleep. I get up and walk into the house and see Neriah making something for me to eat. "How did she die," I say insensitively, talking about this Odette that keeps coming up. Reading my thoughts he puts the knife he was using down and looks up to me. "Villagers came and burned the house we were in with her in it," short screams plague my head and the handprint on my arm starts to throb.

"Was she like you?" I sit holding my arm as it stings.

"You mean a vampire? Yes."

Feeling heat radiating from the mark, I try to get to my bedroom to soak in cold water but end up tripping over one of my mom's journals and see Odette's name as the header. Pulling it my way I read what it says and flip through knowing who the soul is that left me this mark on my arm, Odette. Neriah helps me up and I lean on him to get the same memory I had in my dream.

"You both loved her but when it came down to who loved her most...it was you."

Neriah has this sense of resentment making the conversation end without there being one.

I move his hand off and go into my room really trying to clear my mind since it's fogged with memories that aren't mine and emotions that scream disaster.

Slipping out of my clothes and into the bath I drew for myself, I add lavender and other healing remedies to help cool and heal my body.

After I'm done I get out and just put on a t-shirt and pj shorts with my fluffy cardigan and socks.

Neriah sets the table just for me to eat then goes into his room without saying a word let alone a sound, making me think I struck a nerve I shouldn't have.

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