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Face like an angel, he does what he pleases as he touches my face gently, caressingly, like he needs me...like I needed him. His demeanor is telling me one thing while my mind is saying another, making me scared of what would happen if our lips touched. The eyes are the window to everyone's soul...so when he is focused on mine and only mine...my heart jumps just like it did before.

"Oriana?" Leon calls out, making me wake turning to him.

"Sorry, I didn't know I had fallen asleep."

Moving my hair out my face I stretch feeling the abandoned castle feeling more warmer, having it feel more lively than before.

"I have food downstairs," he points over his shoulder looking at me and the dream I just had waltzes in like an unwanted guest.

Blinking it away I nod, prying my eyes off his getting off the couch I was laying on.

"Is it more than a sandwich, because I can really go for a-" I walk down and in the middle of the dinning area a huge table is set with all sorts of food. A little impressed and hungry I made my way to it grabbing a plate. "How'd you know I don't really eat meat?" I say seeing it's mostly vegetable type assortments with a huge glass of lemonade juice in the middle like a highschool dance would have.

"You couldn't eat the chicken and only had the salad," he shrugs like that wasn't something important to figure out, but it meant something to me.

He sits at the head of the table while I sit at the end filling my plate up with a meatless pasta with corn bread and other foods that were there.

Eating, I glance up wondering, how did I get healed so fast?

"I had to call in a favor," he says, hearing my thoughts.

I toss my napkin at him, "Okay we need rules when it comes to invading privacy in all forums," I smile low letting my guard go down an inch.

"All ears," He leans forward putting his elbows on the table.

Nodding, I start to come up with a list until he stops me laughing, "I'm not going to remember at least half of what you just said right about now," leaning back he smiles then sighs, "how about three rules?" Before I could answer there's a rumble, a lighting strike and a sheepish look on Leon's face. "He's here," he makes the candles that were lit turn off and grabs my hand. We ran to the garden that was there but his father was already there smirking, clapping in slow motion, "Wow," he kept clapping looking at his son completely ignoring me being there. Leon hides me behind him, "I couldn't watch her die, not like Vega and Chester." His father drops the pleasantry act and gets so close, I swear if I blinked I would've missed it.

"They were baggage and she's the same except with more power."

I cling onto Leon actually feeling my body get weak all over again as my nose bleeds.

"Leon..." I whisper to him and he turns to the side, seeing hiding me more.

"Let me just take her back," Leon asks his father sincerely.

Edur waves his finger disapprovingly, "See I was going to kill her quickly but since you decided to go behind my back and do all this cat and mouse game, well," He shrugs, "she has to die by your hands son, your first kill of a powerful soothsayer...what a proud father I am." He holds the spot where a heart should be and then looks to me. "Nothing against you per say but you just have what we need to survive," I feel my body drift and my mind traveling with it as Edur says something, having me walk towards him. "Oriana!" Leon screams but it was like a barricade was made to keep him from getting to me. Edur holds his hand out and I'm about to grab hold of it until a shadow figure stops me, bringing me back to Leon somewhere farther than where we were.

"Run!" A familiar voice says and with my hand in Leon's we do.

My hair whips behind me as the wind picks up, the atmosphere darkness and we end up in front of a place I wouldn't have expected...Moribund.

"Do you know this place?" Leon asks out of breath.

I catch mine and nod, "Yeah I do."


Marv looks up from behind the bar and sees me shocked, whistling me over to him and must've sent a mind message to Darce because he comes out his room from above and spots me. When he's about to say something he sees Leon still holding my hand as he realizes this isn't just a club on the darkside of the Specter, it's a vampire infested one. Lowering his head down to mine talking in my ear he says, "You didn't tell me you were so close to many undead things, including vampires." Marv hears him making his eyes glow red, offended by the word "undead" while looking back up to Darce. "He's been looking for you with Neriah," I look at him and he turns back to his room.

"I'll go talk to him," I let go of Leon's hand running up the stairs ready to knock on Darce's door before he pins me to the back wall.

Smelling me and making sure it's really me he looks to me with his now enraged crimson eyes, "Where the hell have you been? Do you know Neriah has been going crazy trying to find a way to save you?" Angry but concerned too I hugged him just appreciative that he even stayed to help Neriah. "W-What are you doing?" He tenses up, not sure how to react. "Thank you," I say grateful and just relieved they were actually looking for me and not just going to leave me with Edur.

"It was actually all Neriah and Marv, I just supervised."

He says lowly but hugs me slowly, placing his chin on top of my head showing some warmth instead of being massively cold.

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