The changes

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Jungkook was getting ready for work when he heard a scream. He was startled and rushed towards the place where the scream came from. It was from Jin's room. Jungkook stranded in front of Jin’s room.

Why should I bother to go and look? I have many things to deal with already.

He decided to go back, but suddenly,


Jin screamed with his lungs out, and Jungkook didn’t any waste time; he opened the door and ran inside. Jin is nowhere in the room. He can hear soft sobbings from the bathroom.

"Yaah, why are you screaming inside the bathroom?" Jungkook shouted.

Suddenly Jin’s sob stopped, and he heard some shuffling sounds.

"Jungkook, Jungkook, there is a, there is a."Jin couldn't talk properly out of fear.

"There is what?" Jungkook asked impatiently.


"Yaah, speak coherently if you don’t want me to leave you here." Jungkook was about to blast at any time.

"There is a COCKROACH." Jin shouted from the bathroom quickly.

"What ?  Haven’t you seen a cockroach before? Just smack it, damn it. I can't believe I wasted my time on a cockroach. " Jungkook turned and started to walk towards the door.

"Don’t go; I am afraid of insects."Jin cried.

Jungkook released a heavy sigh before walking back to the bathroom door.

"What do you want me to do?" Jungkook asked in annoyance.

"Could you please come and make this thing go away? Please, the door is not locked."

"Why are you taking a bath without locking it?" Jungkook asked in disbelief.

"I forget," Jin said, which made Jungkook roll his eyes and hold the door knob. But before he opens;

"A-Are you dressed? " Jungkook  asked, which made Jin blush himself, looking at his robe. He tightened it before answering.

"Yes, I noticed the cockroach after finishing my bath." Jin was all red now.

He heard the knob moving sound, and there is Jungkook standing there in his black and white-fit outfit, looking dashing as always.

Jungkook looked at Jin, who was sitting inside the tub, holding his robe tightly with his puppy eyes, looking at Jungkook with relief. He quickly averted his gaze when he noticed the robe was falling from Jin's left shoulder, exposing his milky white skin.

He then took a shampoo bottle and turned towards the cockroach. He was just about to smash it with the bottle Whenever Jin Suddenly spoke.

"Don't kill it."

"What ? Then what do you want me to do? to fight with it?" Jungkook asked indignantly.

"Just make it go away from here." Jin said it with his puppy eyes.

Jungkook gave him one last deathly gare, took the cockroach in his bare hand, and walked outside. Jin slowly jumped from the tub and followed Jungkook. Jungkook go downstairs and put that in the kitchen bin.

"Thank you."

Jin said from behind Jungkook. Jungkook didn’t notice Jin following him. He turned back to scold him for wasting his time, but he was outstruck by seeing a freshly showered Jin with an exposed shoulder in his pink robe, which was only knee-length.

"I thought I would pass out if nobody came to-"

Jin stopped in the middle, and his eyes widened when he realized what he was wearing. He quickly held his robe and, within no time, ran towards his room.

Cute . Before Jungkook could realize what he just said, he remembered that he was late and instantly rushed towards his own room.


Even though Jungkook said that he doesn’t eat the food Jin cooks, he always leaves some food for Jungkook because he always loves to share food and watch others enjoying his food, and if Jungkook doesn’t touch it, he reheats it the next day and eats it by himself.
But one day, when Jungkook came home a little earlier, he felt a familiar smell—the smell of his favorite food. He looked at the table and looked around, then slowly walked towards it. By the smell itself, he can say that it's going to be delicious, and he can't resist devouring it. And yes, he ate it and finished it within minutes. What he didn’t see was a hamster happily  watching him eat secretly. Whenever Jungkook goes to work lately, Jin will join him at the dining table.

Jungkook’s life after Jin came was not the same as before. Jin and his presence somehow gave him a different feeling, and he didn’t deny it. He will saw Jin walking around the gardens, chattering with the servants, and sometimes talking with the plants and trees, which amuses and confuses him at the same time. The feeling of someone other than him in his house is new for him.

On the other hand, Jin continues to cook Jungkook's favorite list of foods after he sees him eating the one he made. Cooking for others is his favorite thing. He began to have company with the servants, even though they hesitated to talk. He also made them eat the foods he prepared and got a lot of compliments. He visited his grandmother and Hobi once and his parents memorials. But his granny said not to travel alone during this time. So most of the time he roams around the house and observes the gardens, the hangings, the vases, and the pictures, which were signed by a painter called 'JK'.

He is in his third month now, and his granny told him to go for the checkup with Jungkook. But Jin knew Jungkook didn’t care about these things, and he had to go alone.



Jin was welcomed by a Jungkook who was in his casual dress, different from his office suits, looking more handsome, when he came out of his room to go for his check-up. Jungkook stared at Jin from head to toe, who was looking all fluffy in his white hoodie and black jeans.

Jin avoided Jungkook's stares and walked towards the door in awkwardness.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook's word stopped him from walking.

He hesitantly turned back to face Jungkook, who was still checking on him, which made his cheeks burn.

"I am going to the hospital; it's my checkup day."

"Get in the car; I am coming with you." Jungkook said, walking past a stunned Jin.

“"Aren’t you coming?"

That was enough for Jin to come running behind Jungkook, who got in his seat and started the car. Jin quickly hoped on the front seat; he didn’t know why his heart was beating very fast every time Jungkook was near him. He silently sat there, but the car wasn’t moving.
He slowly turned to Jungkook, who was giving him death glares.

Now what? Why is he staring at me all the time? What did he want?

"Put that damn seat belt on."

Jin quickly stretched the belt from his side before Jungkook could shout at him again. But for his unlucky fortune, the belt is stuck; he pulls it a lot of times but has no chance. He looked at Jungkook, showing his soft alpaca eyes. Jungkook rolled his eyes in annoyance before leaning towards Jin, pulling the belt, and plucking it. Jungkook didn’t move; they were now so close. Every time he looked into those alpaca eyes,  he feels like lost in it.

Jin thought his heart would jump outside at any time because it was beating twice as fast. They were looking into each other's eyes and then suddenly Jin felt like sneazing; his eyes widened, and he pushed Jungkook to the side before the sneaze, which made Jungkook hit the car door.


Jin slowly lifted his head after sneezing cutely, and he looked at Jungkook hesitantly.

"I am sorry."

Jungkook didn't say anything; he gave one last annoying look to Jin before starting the car.


"Hai Jungkook, Your mother called me about the appointment." The doctor said upon seeing the couple at her office.

"Hello Jin, My name is Mina. I am Jungkook's mother's friend. Sorry, I can't join the party."Dr. Mina said politely to Jin.

"It's nice meeting you, doctor." Jin gave her a 90° bow in return.

"Jungkook, your fiance is well mannered, and he has the perfect face, in my opinion; he looks beautiful." She said while analyzing Jin’s features, which didn’t stop Jin from blushing.

"Could you make the checkup start? I gotta go for a meeting afterwards."

Jungkook said with a straight face. Mina, who has known Jungkook's behaviour well, doesn’t react much and proceeds to check on Jin.

Jungkook waited outside until the blood and urine tests were done, but when the time for the scan arrived, the doctor called him inside and told him to sit beside Jin’s bed. He knows he can't say no because his mother will know if he does. The doctor then proceeds to lift Jin's shirt, But

"What are you doing?" Jungkook suddenly asked, which made both Dr. and Jin look in his direction with confusion.

"What do you mean by that? I am going to perform scanning. Are you dumb?"

Jin tightly pressed his lips upon hearing the doctor's statement, and he tried to hold back his laugh. Jungkook stared at the doctor. She glared back at him. And then he lifted Jin's shirt slowly, which made Jungkook look away and Jin flustered.

The doctor put some gel on his stomach, and Jin hissed at its cold sensation, which made him abruptly hold Jungkook's hand tightly. The doctor then proceeds to scan. Suddenly, the room was echoed by a soft, beating sound.

"That's the baby's heartbeat." Dr. Said with a smile.

Jungkook and Jin looked at each other. Jin was overwhelmed with joy, on the other hand, Jungkook is going through so many emotions. It's sure that Jungkook is hearing a baby's heartbeat for the first time, but it's not any baby; it's his baby's. That realization itself left him stunned and speechless. It was so soothing and calm to hear. Throughout his hectic days, he needed this—the sound that made him feel alive.

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