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It was heavily raining outside the building, and so many people came and went. Some people are drained in the rain, and some are using umbrellas and doing their things.

Inside it, people walks here and there, some walk with the help of sticks And some with wheels. The staff are busy at work. And there sat a person fully drained in rain,shivering and shaking; his eyes were both wet in water and tears; he was holding his hands tightly against his chest and mumbling something while waiting to know about the condition of the person inside the room.

Inside the room, there have been doctors and nurses trying to save an old lady who was lying in bedsheet motionless. A beep sound can be heard around the room, and it suddenly lengthened, showing a straight line on the monitor, which alerted them to stop what they were doing.


"What are you making?" Jungkook startled Jin by suddenly asking from behind him. Jin put his hands on his chest and breathed slowly before speaking.

"I am preparing pan cakes since I am craving them." Jin said it with a cute, mad voice.

"Did I get one too?"

"I will think about it."

Jungkook chuckled at his reply and walked from there to not disturb Jin further. He was in the middle of climbing the stairs to go to his room when he heard Jin's phone ring.

Jin was happy to attend the call when he saw his best friend's name on it.

"Hello, my sunshine."

"J-Jin." Hobi's voice broke, and he heard a sob, which indicates that he was crying.

"What happened?" Jin asked quickly with worry.

Jungkook, who heard Jin's words, stopped there and watched him with confusion. He can see the anxiety in Jin's eyes, which suddenly changed into terror. Jungkook started to climb down the stairs, looking at Jin. He understood something had happened.

"Ou-ur, g-granny, she is g-gone."

That's the last word Jin heard before his phone fell from his hand. His vision becomes blurry, but he can somehow see Jungkook running towards him, calling his name. His legs began to shake, and they lost their balance. He tried to hold on to the kitchen counter, but he couldn't.
Jungkook felt like his world was going to end when he saw Jin losing his balance with teary eyes and shaky legs. He ran at godspeed to catch him from falling. And he caught him on time.


One can hear the sounds of waves, children playing, and some people chatting. Jin and his grandmother were sitting on the sand and watching the kids playing on the shore.

"Did you remember when you were the age of these kids, you were afraid to touch the sea water?" His grandmother said with a chuckle.

"Yes, I remember, and you are the one who makes me get out of my fears, like those parents who are teaching their kids to swim." He paused for a sec and continued after looking at her.

"You are my Appa and Eomma, both. God send you as my parent."

"Yes, I have been your parent throughout these years. I teach you to swim,cook, play and everything I know. I have been with you all the time, without making you lonely after your mother is gone. Don’t you think she is also alone?"

"What do you mean?"

Granny smiled at him softly, then suddenly stood up and slowly started to walk. Jin also stood up from there.

"Where are you going?" He asked his granny, who was walking in front of him. She stopped and turned to face his grandson.

"I am not going anywhere. I decided to take a rest. Will it be okay if I take some rest with my daughter, Jinnie? She is also alone there. Will it be okay if I am with her from now on?"

Jin can't form words. He tries to say something, but he can't. He stood there, speechless. A lump formed in his throat. His vision began to blur. He can't see her properly. He feels like his grandmother is slowly disappearing in front of her. He quickly wiped his tears with his hands to look properly. But he didn’t see anyone. The shore is empty; only he is there. He stood there motionless. He looked around. He can’t find his granny or anyone.

"G-g-rann-yy," he tries to call him, but only air comes from his mouth. His chest feels heavy; he put his hand on his chest and shouted out his lungs.


Jin shouted loudly and woke up from the bed, which startled Jungkook, who was sitting near him.

"Jin" Jungkook quickly holds his face and tries to calm him.

Jin looked around; he was on a hospital bed with Jungkook sitting near him. His hands are tripped, and the glucose water is injected inside. He suddenly remembered his conversation with Hobi. Without wasting a second, he tries to stand up, but Jungkook holds him.

"What are you doing?"

"Jungkook, I want to see Granny. Hobi said something on the phone. I don’t want to believe that. I want to see him now. I want to go." He tries to remove the things from his hand like a mad person.

"Look, look, I will bring you to Granny, but not now. You are not well. You fainted. You have to wait until the treatment is over, please." Jungkook tries to calm a restless Jin.

"No, I don’t want any treatment. I want my grandmother."

Jin again tries to stand up from the bed, but when he puts his feet on the floor, he cannot stand properly. He suddenly collapses, and Jungkook instantly holds him.

"Jin, please. Please listen to me... for our baby."

The last word stopped Jin from struggling in Jungkook's hold. He slowly surrendered and began to sob; the sob changed into a loud cry. Jungkook hugged him tightly and tried to hold back the tears that were forming in his own eyes.


As promised, Jungkook brought Jin to see his granny after the treatment. The room was filled with white roses, her favorite. Jin was sitting near his grandmother, holding a bunch of white roses, and looking at her with dry eyes because he was tired of crying all the time. Hobi was sitting near him with puffy eyes.

When they arrived there, Mrs.Jeon and Jimin were already there with Hobi. Mrs.Jeon instantly hugged a broken Jin, who couldn't take his eyes off his liveless grandmother. Jungkook holds him tightly all the time around his shoulders because he is not walking properly.

"Rest. You deserve rest." Jin said to her when people came to take her for further procedures when the time came and placed the roses above her and promised to bring her flowers every time they dried out.


Jungkook put the lights on in Jin's room and walked towards the bed with a plate full of food.
Jin was lying silently on the bed and shrugged his eyes when suddenly the lights came into contact with his eyes.

"Jin,you have to eat. wake up"

"I don't want anything."

"Don’t you think about our baby? The baby will be hungry."

Jin slowly looked at Jungkook when he mentioned ‘our baby'. Jungkook helped him sit properly and take the food in his hand.

It's been three days since Granny passed away. Jin still does not get over the incident. He is always in his room, and every day Jungkook came to check on him. He was not eating well, so Jungkook took the responsibility to make him eat.

"Open your mouth." Jungkook brings the food to Jin's mouth. Jin opened his mouth slowly and began to eat, which made Jungkook happy.

"Will she be resting happily? Happily with my mom?" Jin asked.

The question suddenly stopped him from feeding. He looked into those alpaca eyes, which were now filled with tears. It's breaking his heart. Even if he met Jin’s grandmother only a few times, Jungkook also cannot accept the news first.

"Yes, ofcourse. Because they are nice people, and God will let them rest happily.

They will be happy there. Don’t worry about them. Do you believe they will be happy there if they learn that you are not happy? Even if they are not with us, they don’t want us to always worry about them and live in sorrow. We shoulders move on and show them by living happily. Only that will make them rest well there without any worries."

Jin was hearing Jungkook speak like this for the first time. All these days, he only saw Jungkook’s cold side. But now he has started to express his concerns and feelings, not to others but to him. That makes Jin pleasant. He looked at him silently all the time Jungkook was speaking. Jungkook was now a different person. Different from the one who always shouts and yells, the one who doesn’t care about others, and the one who doesn’t value feelings.

After Jungkook fed him the food, he gave him water and placed the plate on the table. Unexpectedly, a hand held him when he stood up.

"Don’t go."


Jungkook slowly laid Jin on the bed and took a seat near the bed.

"Sleep, I will be here."

Jin slowly closed his eyes.


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