The Reminder

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Jin has been trying to call Jungkook for the past 15 minutes, but Jungkook isn’t answering the phone. Today was his check-up day, and Jungkook promised to go together. But it seems like he has been busy.

Why is he not answering?

It's already late.

Shall I go alone?

No, he told me not to travel alone.

What should I do?

Jin snapped from his thoughts when Hobi tapped on his shoulders.

“What are you daydreaming?" He asked curiously.

“Iam not. I am waiting for Jungkook. He isn’t answering my calls. It's already late for the checkup.”

“Why don’t you go and check on him directly in his office?'

“Do you think so? But he might be busy.”

“Then I will accompany you to the hospital; we will close this for some minutes.”

“But he promised to go together.” Jin sulked.

"Then how about this? I will drop you off at his company; if he is busy, inform him you are going with me.”

Jin thought for a sec before agreeing with Hobi.


“Woa, he is really rich!” Hobi exclaimed upon seeing Jeon corporations.

Jin smiled at his comment and slowly got out of the scooter, taking his time.

“Yes, he is and is still working his ass out every day.”

“You seem to know everything about him now.” Hobi said with a naughty tone, which caused Jin to blush instantly.

"Jin, don’t make it hard for you.”
Hobi implied.

Even though he knows that his best friend has fallen for Jungkook, he wants to remind Jin about the consequences as well. Hobi's statement made a sudden change in Jin's face, but he tries to make it not obvious.

“Go inside; you said you were late. Bye.”

“Bye, drive safely."

Jin waved at him before entering the building with a heavy heart. He took the elevator and tried to shake out the thoughts that were now starting to form inside his mind. When the lift opened to the right floor, Jin took a steady breath before walking towards Jungkook’s office.

When Jin entered the main office, it was really a mess. The employees were scattered here and are doing many tasks. Some are working in their system crazily, some are walking past him restlessly, and some are carrying so many files and papers scattered around there. Jin has never seen the office like this.

Suddenly, Jungkook came out of his office, pushing the door open harshly, which startled everyone there. He doesn’t notice Jin standing to the side, placing his hand on his chest, because of Jungkook’s unexpected entry.

"Why are you all so useless?” He yelled fiercely at the employees.

"I am going to fire each and every one of you if you all do not find the missing project within the next half hour."

Jungkook marched back to his room, closing the door harshly, like before. Everyone began to work restlessly as soon as their boss disappeared.

Jin stood there, unable to move. He witnessed everything. He witnessed how Jungkook was mad about his work, how he gives his company more importance than any other, and how other things are useless compared to his company for him. He suddenly felt surrow. He was no one to Jungkook compared to how Jungkook gave prior to his company. He has to move on once everything is settled for Jungkook. The share, Eomma's leave, escape from her complaints, everything. Everything that makes him to be with Jungkook. Everything that makes him leave Jungkook once they are achieved. He slowly began to step backward with teary eyes and turn to take the lift without making anyone to know about his presence.

Jin was nearing the exit when someone purposely bumped into him. By that, he knows who the person was. Jennie gave him a smirk when he turned to look at her.

"It looks like you are often roaming around here.”

“I believe that is something you don’t have to bother about.”

“Are you speaking in confidence because everyone likes you?"

“I don’t force anyone to like me.”

"That's right, because I don’t like you.”

Jin rolled his eyes. He has too much for today already; he just wants to leave this place as soon as possible.

“Don’t dream to be with Jungkook forever. I know very well about him; he doesn’t use anything for too long. He throws them away whenever he wants.”

“That’s why he kicked you outside that night?"


Jin didn’t want to argue with Jennie any more, so he quickly left without caring about her rantings.

Jennie breathed heavily, like she was exhaling and inhaling fire through her nose. He stood there, watching Jin leave without care, in rage.

“I bet you don’t know about the things I can do."


Jin later goes to the hospital with Hobi, saying Jungkook was busy. He waited for Jungkook in the house, but Jungkook didn’t show up that day, and Jin didn’t dare to call and disturb him. He thought he would inform him about the check-up the next day. What Jin didn't expect was that Jungkook wouldn’t come home the next day either. It worried him.

The third day, Jungkook came back home fully drunk. Jin helped him go to his room, and he laid him on the bed slowly. Jungkook was blabbering about many things that concerned Jin. He slowly untied the tie and removed the stocks for Jungkook.

After he was sure Jungkook was comfortably sleeping, he stood there, silently looking at the sleeping figure. He knows he cannot be anyone in Jungkook’s life, but he wishes for nothing but Jungkook’s happy and healthy life. He moved to the door after releasing a heavy sigh.



Jungkook woke up with a heavy headache, which made him pull his hair in frustration.

“Why is this head aching this much?” He asked himself.

He was trying to massage his head, but suddenly he heard someone’s footstep. He lifted his head, only to see Jin standing in front of him with a bowl.

“Here, drink this. This will help with the ache.”

He handed him the bowl, which Jungkook accepted gladly, but he hadn’t gone unnoticed by the change in Jin's face.

Jin was about to leave When

“Jin, did I say anything wrong last night?" Jungkook asked in concern.

“No, you didn’t do anything.” With that, Jin left from there.

Now, I am sure I have definitely done something.

By the time Jungkook came down the stairs after finishing his morning routine, he saw Jin sitting on the bench in the garden. He slowly and hesitantly walked towards him and silently sat near him. Jin didn’t pay attention to Jungkook’s presence.

"I am sorry for not coming home for two days.”

Jungkook spoke after a few minutes. Jin slowly turned to look at Jungkook, who was looking at him with guilt.

“You don’t have to apologize; I can understand.” He said and again shifted his attention from Jungkook.

Jungkook didn’t say anything more. He sat there silently to let him watch nature along with Jin. The breaze wind was touching every leaf and flower, the birds were chatting their stories, and the shapeless white cotton bundles were floating in the vast blue ocean. It was quite calm and nice to see.

“It’s a girl.”

Jin said suddenly, which confused Jungkook first. Jin just smiled at the puzzled Jungkook, whose expression turned into a shocked one when he got what Jin meant. They both looked into their eyes with so many emotions—emotions that cannot be expressed—that were saying so many things that were unspoken. They silently smiled through their tears.

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