Chapter 1: First Day

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Season 1, Episode 1

Joy Nolan walks with her dad towards the Mid-Wilshire Division of the LAPD. She was dressed business casual carrying her briefcase-like bag. Today is both hers and her dads first day of work. Unlike her dad, Joy is not joining as an officer but an administrative assistant for the Sergeant/Watch Commander and the Captain. Her dad was the oldest rookie in LAPD history. Something she teased him about constantly.

"Alright, first day. Are we ready?" John asks his daughter as they look up at the building.

"Dad, I'm not in school anymore. Besides, you're the one that's gonna be doing the learning. Don't mess it up," Joy jokes, walking in and checking in with the front desk.

She's on her way up to the Captain's office, where she was told she needed to check in, when she overhear's two TO's talking to her dad, "Where you going, Boot?"

"Uh, locker room, then roll call?" It sounds more like a question. 

"Oh, no, you need to present yourself to the Captain first," Officer Bishop tells him, "It's tradition."

"Down the hall, up the stairs," Officer Lopez tells him, causing Joy to shake her head.

They were punking him. Joy arrives at the office after her father, "Captain Anderson? I'm Joy Nolan, you're new assistant?"

The Captain smiles at her, holding her hand out to shake, "Welcome, Miss. Nolan. Your father... he's Officer Nolan, correct?"

"Yes, ma'am. Don't worry, he won't get any favors from me," Joy assures her new boss.

"I wasn't. Let's go meet Sergeant Grey and then you'll go into roll call with him. Your first duty every shift is to make sure Sergeant Grey has all necessary documents and announcements. As you work here, you may be in charge of giving administrative notes about paperwork or new procedures if they apply. Otherwise, your job is mostly going over paperwork, making sure everything's filled out correctly for the DA as well as aiding Sergeant Grey and I in whatever may arise. You also could be put on jobs such as tracking officers in pursuit or looking over body cam footage. You're desk will be in Sergeant Grey's office. You will mostly be his right hand. So if he doesn't like you, that'll be a problem," Anderson tells her as they walk down the stairs, "Ah, Sergeant Grey. This is Miss. Nolan, our new Administrative Assistant."

Joy shakes his hand, "I'm honored to be working with you, sir. I took the liberty of organizing rookie information for you. I stopped by yesterday to get my access card and keys and what not, as well as see what I could prep for today. Oh, and here is a large coffee with two sugar and two cream."

He takes the coffee, a quick sip before nodding, "I look forward to working with you, Miss. Nolan. You seem bright. Let's see how you handle the clowns."

They head into roll call, Sergeant Grey gesturing to a tall chair Joy could sit on as he gets the officer's attention, "Settle down. Settle Down. Settle down. So, okay, we got some new blood this morning. And some pushing the expiration date."

There are some laughs.

"Get up," He gestures to the rookies, making them face the other officers, "After six months together in the Academy, you've earned the right to be here. But you'll have to prove yourself to stay. The way we do things matter. Protocol and tradition are the metal from which every cop in this city is forged. Understand?"

"Yes, sir," They nod.

"Sit down," He walks back to the front of the room, "This young woman sitting in the corner is now your new lifeline. Anytime you turn in paperwork or book a perp or write a citation or pursue a suspect, she's the one that will check it and run it and call you on the mistakes. My advice: make her your friend before she has a chance to call you an enemy."

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