Warner Williams

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History is repeating but it should be stopped.

Hurt he was hurt but that was covered by a mask called ‘Rage’ not a normal rage, but the one that made him hurt the ones he never wanted to hurt ever after all, Warner Williams was never the Warner he had become now. He loved his mother Jennifer Williams, not much after he saw she cheated on Cody his father. Disappointments were still present in his heart for her but weighed nothing compared to how Cody never actually loved her, he was not aware about his parents wedding being forced, poor Warner found that after her mother was explaining herself after getting caught cheating on Cody with his Business Rival, Mike Collins. For him, it did not matter who was at fault but who was more reasonable, and to him it was his mother Jennifer Williams who was forced to go far away from them 5-years-ago and then Cody brought Lucy and Song in the mansion in which he always thought Jennifer deserved to stay. All the anger had to burst somewhere and it did…on 2 people first Lucy his step-mother he could had never accepted and second Lily Park his girlfriend from Degree College, was the relationship Toxic? Not exactly he loved Lily from his heart she was his safe place and her supporter but he had heard from his best-friend June that a Lawyer whose name June did not knew used to meet her at her work place which was a 7-star restaurant whose assistant chef she was. Warner had never saw the man’s face and also June tried hard to push the thought away from his mind that Lily would ever replace Warner in her life and that had somewhere made Warner suspicious of June somehow. Instead of talking it out he wanted Lily to say that which turned into him being a little harsh to her or indirectly asking her to spill the answer he wanted to hear. I am not cheating on you’ He wanted to hear that from her mouth.
“I have few Lawyers in my contact, but why are you looking for one?” A Man in his mid-40’s asked, his face was on the softer side small oblong, he even had oval spectacles while Warner had round frames. He was there where he knew he should not be at. He had helped the man in front of him build a whole company by giving him the required money except the plan of course, As the aspiring Heir, he thought like a keen businessman to not let any fraud man open his company with his plan.
“Are you that tired of Cody? Or is it my wife?” He chuckled, but his voice sounded serious and husky, Warner had helped Owen build a company with his money, with a hope that after becoming rich he would happily take both his wife and son at a place far away from him, he wanted to see Cody feel what he felt after his mother had to move far away from him, and no he did not supported Owen’s violent behaviour towards Lucy and Song but for him they both were lying about Owen’s abusing behaviour because in the past 5-years Warner had never seen him lose his calm.
Warner looked down at the table of the 7-star restaurant where Lily worked, he was not here to spy on her but to meet Owen who wanted to talk to Warner. He exhaled deeply and faced Owen’s almond eyes, watching Owen being so nice to him he had won his trust. He supported him more than his own father.
“I want the Lawyer of age 25 and up.” He concluded and Owen paused with his eye-brows furrowed. Like he did not understand what Warner asked for, Warner was sure his deep voice was clear enough.
“Warner son, all of the Lawyers I know are all old.” He smiled and sipped the beer from the glass and Warner scoffed opening his phone searching [Lawyers of age 25 and up] but got interrupted by Lucy’s call and Owen who did not knew watched obliviously,
“It’s your wife.” Warner went to hang up but Owen held his hands to stop him.
“I can search the Lawyer of age 25 or up but tell Song to come here, I will help you son I will.” He assured and his voice sounded suspicious but amicable to Warner who rolled his eyes answering the call.
“We are at the Ice-cream parlor; do you want to join us?”
Warner stayed quiet, he was sick of her trying to make Warner feel like she was right and helpless like she looked.
“Ask her if Song’s with her.” Owen mouthed and Warner took a deep breathe.
“Is Song with you?” Warner asked, he did not even try to sound nice, he did not want to even though he knew he could.
“Song…he is.”
“Fine then send him at the 7-star restaurant, beside the Ice-cream parlor.” Warner instructed and she hummed, He hung the call and Owen smiled.
“Why exactly?” Warner raised his eye-brow
“A father does not need a reason to see his son.” Owen said with a tone which sounded sad to Warner, he knew how it felt to miss family. He missed his mother every day.
“I will find the Lawyer but why do you want the specific aged Lawyer?” Owen interrogated and Warner was still comfortable with his questions, Owen was like a father he never had.
“Lily, I heard she is meeting one.” Owen’s eyes widened, his lips slightly parted and he looked around.
“Are you sure he is not a cousin or friend?”
“I have met all of them except the Lawyer.” Warner felt his blood boil thinking about the Lawyer he had never seen from his own eyes.
“You trust June too much. You don’t have to believe everything he says.” Owen poured another glass of beer and Warner noticed that his cheeks were already turned red. Why would June lie? He was his best-friend since primary school even before Lily became his girl-friend.
“Unless you feel like your Lily is distancing herself from you.” Owen said and Warner did not find any memory of Lily distancing herself from him, she was always there for him, even at times Warner was dramatic.
“Lucy. Starts with a ’l’. Ends with a ‘y’, Lily. Starts with a ‘l’. Ends with a ‘y’, isn’t it funny?” Owen chuckled and Warner rolled his eyes, he noticed that, he knew that. Warner looked up and saw Song looking around like a lost puppy, he is a puppy, Warner thought looking at Song’s oblong face in Warner’s words puppy-like face, in spite of having small cat-eyes which made him wonder if Song was always sleeping to have them, blackest eyes no layer of brown could be found by Warner in Song’s eyes, like an abandoned dark place is what he thought meeting him for the first time 5 years ago, he was wearing those typical Song clothes which was a red-black boxed pattern shirt and the skinny jeans Warner was tired of, there are other clothes besides these basic shirts, he mumbled under his breathe,
“Your son is here.” Warner reluctantly said and Owen turned quickly watching Song.
“Call him here.” Owen whispered.
Warner waved at him and caught Song’s attention, he walked towards him while Owen kept his head down.
“Why did you call me?” Song asked hesitantly, Warner smiled.
“Someone wanted to meet you.” Warner imparted with a smile and Song’s eyes expressed confusion to Warner.
“Song-Song.” Owen said and looked up as Warner noticed terror on Song’s face, genuine terror like he had seen a monster and made Warner’s smile fade away making him think he made a mistake calling him here. Owen got up and Warner sat quietly not understanding Song’s disturbed expression.
Song mouthed something with terror, Owen smiled at him.
“Song-Song is all grown up now, don’t you miss dad?” Owen extended his hand towards Song who flinched moving back.
“Wish me a Happy Birthday, will you?” Song’s eyes were filled with tears which Warner noticed were of terror. He froze and Warner was confused until Owen held his hand roughly.
“My favorite punching bag.” Warner’s eyes widened as he looked at Owen who seemed like a whole new person to him at the moment
“Are you happy leaving our family?” He asked and Warner thought Owen was sad that’s why he talked like that but not until he pulled Song by his hair and he groaned with terror like he had been there before.
“Owen, what are you doing?” Warner interjected getting up.
“You don’t know the reason, Warner. Stay out of this” Warner nodded while Song tried to push Owen away but Owen slapped him making him fall on the ground, Warner wanted to stop him but wasn’t he mad at Song and Lucy for stealing his mother’s place?
He watched Song helplessly crying as if his past trauma was opened which Warner thought was a lie, just when he grabbed the glass breaking the glass into half and grabbed the sharp part and was going to hurt Song, Warner closed his eyes but felt no voice or scream, he opened his eyes and saw Lucy holding Owen back whose eyes were burning with rage, she looked at Warner and he looked down.
“You are here, Lucy.” Owen smiled with rage and Lucy was raged and scared too.
“You will always be a Hart and never a Williams.” He said and raised his hand slapping Lucy who held her cheek and Song tried to get up but Warner noticed the glasses pieces were in his knees. This should not have affected Warner, he tried to stay out.
“Go away please, I want you to leave us now, I am begging you Owen” She cried angrily joining her hands and Owen extended his hand to pull her by her hair, but Warner came in between making a fist, why should I protect this woman? I shouldn’t, he thought to himself.
“Warner” Owen sighed brushing his hands through his hairs and Lucy helped Song get up.
“Don’t do this…” Warner scoffed his voice was low-pitched. Owen made his fists watching Lucy pick up Song whose knee was bleeding through his blue jeans, all the other people’s eyes were now on them both. Warner could see Lucy and Song feeling humiliated. Mostly Song who hid his face with his palm. What bothered Warner was Song did not fight, was he acting like he was traumatized? Or he was truly traumatized, all these questions were arising in his mind as he watched his comfort place, his most treasured possession he used that word for her. Lily Park, his girl-friend in her plain white chef coat, her eyes were on Lucy and Song.
Lucy stumbled when Lily held her and Lucy was stunned.
“Lily” Lucy said more like a question while Warner sighed after noticing Owen’s eyes on him which seemed like ‘Lucy starts with a ‘l’, and ends with a ‘y’. Lily starts with a ‘l’, and ends with a ‘y’’.
“Call your driver,” her soft but tough tone said looking at Warner, her dark brown eyes glimmered in the golden lights of the restaurant and Warner just wanted to kiss her. Her wavy dark brown hair opened indicating her work was done.

Warner sighed, he had told her not to talk to Lucy or Song after all the things he had to go through example losing his mother.
“Warner,” She asserted, she was looking straight into Warner’s eyes, and that always managed to make him go absurd for her.
“The customer is bleeding, help him out.” She entreated. Smart, she is so smart, Warner thought and nodded taking out his phone calling his driver.
“Are you mad at me for not helping him?” Warner asked to Lily who was sitting in front of him while Owen was standing with his arms-crossed.
“I am not, I saw you did help the lady.” Lily imparted and saw her phone ring, she hung up arising suspiciousness in Warner’s mind.
“Who was it?” He inspected his eyes got smaller out of jealousy or rage? Both.
“Advertisement calls,” She answered and looked at Owen with a disgusted expression.
“Because of you Warner had got in trouble.” Lily thundered coldly while Owen stayed quiet and Warner had his eyes shift to Owen in-case, he would say anything to Lily.
“I really can’t care less about that.” Warner concluded
“I assume your shift’s done,”
“Shall we leave together?” He asked, it had been 3 weeks since they last hanged out with each-other, only Warner knew how badly he wanted to be with Lily and again kiss her lips, somewhere he also forgot about the lawyer man.
“Sure.” She smiled and Warner smiled too
“I will get my stuff.” She got up and Warner enthusiastically nodded
“Now I understand why you are so possessive about her,” Owen said sipping his birthday drink Warner was regretting buying for him.
“I can understand your possessiveness, son.” Owen’s hiccups made known to Warner that he was wasted so he just pulled the bottle from Owen’s hands.

“We will talk about your weird behaviour tomorrow for now go home.” Warner imparted and Owen huffed grabbing Warner’s hand and made him sit beside him.
“Warner, listen to me if- if.” Owen hiccups, his eyes were heavy with sleep.
“If June is right, unfortunately and Lily is really seeing that 25 up or whatever age lawyer do one thing,” He cleared his throat.
“Lily should not cheat on someone so rich like you anyway and also she suits you a lot,”
Warner was carefully listening to Owen who was good at advices, probably not in a drunk state but his heart always raced faster when it was about Lily.
“What?” Warner’s eyes were wide, he was curious.
“Teach her a lesson.” Owen gave a drunk smile and Warner frowned not understanding what he meant by that.
“What lesson? Screw that, you are too drunk to answer” Warner scoffed looking away from drunk Owen.
“Slap her when you catch her with that lawyer, I am sure she will come to her senses and regret trying to fool you.” Owen answered and Warner held his collar, anger rushing through his vein hearing him say that about Lily whom he loved so much.
“Go home.” Warner warned Owen who chuckled, Warner was annoyed
“Are you mad at me? She is the one not bringing that lawyer up.”
“Shut up!”
“No wait Warner ask yourself, are you mad at me or are you mad because you can’t confront her?” 
That hit Warner hard, he was angry about the rumor of Lily meeting a lawyer and not even mentioning him in their conversations, was he being paranoid? He should not listen to drunk Owen is what came into his mind, but he still couldn’t brush that off his mind.
“I will tell my assistant to search all the lawyers photos and send you, then you can ask June about which one it is,” Owen yawned and fell asleep on Warner’s shoulder as he nudged him away.
“Slap her trust me once you catch him with that lawyer.” Owen mumbled in his sleep when Warner made a fist to punch Owen.
“Slap who?” Warner heard and turned around to see Lily in her long dress and her bag.
“Let’s go.” Warner said getting up holding Lily’s hand as she pursed her lips.
“Are you going to leave him here?”
“I texted his assistant he’ll take him home.” Warner imparted and Lily smiled looking at Warner, her eyes were shining brighter. Her wavy brown hairs were perfectly contrasting her ivory dress, Warner couldn’t help but smile watching her stand in front of him after a whole 3 weeks.
“I missed you.”
“Not more than me I can bet on that.” Warner concluded taking her out and stopped towards his car spotting June, why he had to be here? Warner thought to himself. He was standing there with his back inclined on his car, taking a look at his watch his eyes fell on Warner & Lily.
“What are you doing here?” Warner asked, in his serious Warner tone.
“Hello Lily! I see you work over-time” June smiled looking at Lily and Warner was confused.
“I always work over-time, why are you perhaps-” Lily moved closer to June, with a decent space between them, and that did not made Warner jealous.
“Stalking on your best-friend’s girlfriend?” She joked with a smile on her face while June chuckled and turned his gaze on Warner.
“My house is 1 km away from this restaurant.” June said looking at Warner with a stare which was always present after June spilled about Lily meeting a lawyer.
“Why don’t you drop me home then?” Lily joked and Warner raised his eye-brow at Lily who paused and chuckled.
“I don’t mind.” June joked and stopped.
“Are you both heading somewhere?” June changed the topic and Warner nodded.

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