Warner Williams

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“You didn’t have to, but thanks.” Samuel smiled with a pen in his hand and dozens of big books around the table.

“I didn’t mom did.” Warner said, strolling around the shelves.

“This Library is different than mine.” Warner drew out a book from the 10th shelf, the fragrance of books intoxicating his mind.

“This is the only Library here.” Samuel, busily.

“I know, I meant the one at the mansion.” Warner took the vacant seat beside Samuel, flicking his mess off his side, he could see him side-eyeing him.

“You should go home.” He mumbled writing something again.

Warner rifled to the next page smiling at the scenes in the book,

“The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood, You’re into rom-coms?”

“Only this one, my favorite genre has to be YA novels.”

“Me too,” Warner closed the book shut and turned to Samuel.

“Your favorite?” Inside voice fighting to not talk to him but when it’s about books he couldn’t hold himself back from indulging into being the book addict he was,

“Has to be Shatter me, Six of crows.”

“That is great! Kenji was such a mood.” Warner found himself laughing with Samuel and opened his book, he cleared his throat.

“I have it at home, you can read it if you like.” Samuel mumbled,

“Thank you, Samuel.” Warner said and meant it, after staying for whole 3 weeks with few hours of time with Samuel it was good, life was sunny again, or for the first time at least.

“I will go get the water,” Samuel got up from the seat stretching his arms above his head, he snapped his worn-out fingers.

“Hey take your phone with you.” Warner pointed at the phone laying on his books, Samuel scoffed.

“This is not my real phone,” He rested his hands on the chair “Who uses one phone with contacts filled with clients?” Grimacing expression.

“Trust me no one of my client should see my personal life on social media…for them I have to put on the invincible sweet Lawyer persona.”

“For that you need to have a personal life.” Warner imparted at boasting Samuel who didn’t have any personal life apart from spending his time in the library.

“Very funny,” Warner sniffled facing Samuel “I do have a personal life, okay?”

“So, what do you do with this one?” Warner ignoring the argument, still pointing at the phone.

“Family and close friends have access to this phone’s number and by that if my mother calls just pick it up and say I eat healthy food and don’t over-work myself,”

Counting the lies on his fingers like it’s true, Warner shook his head at the lack of honesty of Samuel towards his mother then remembered he also lies about having a personal life.

“Or just tell her I have got lazy and…” He took a pause, index finger poking his temple “Everything opposite to working and unhealthy.” He smiled wending towards the exit

“I won’t say that!” Warner hesitated shaking his head left and right.

“Thank You, Warner.”

Shaking his leg constantly at the anxiety of Samuel’s mother actually calling him.

Warner rested his head down only to quickly reel back his head at the phone’s ringing and nearly hurting his head on the shelf.

He inhaled swallowing his fear of never lying shaking his hands with him and laughing at him, saying ‘You will become a liar now.’

The caller Id said M and enough for Warner to take a hint of it being Samuel’s mother, Lies. It’s okay just one lie, he convinced himself or I should wait till it stops ringing…but that would be so mean what if she might worry? Dammit! Warner furiously picked up the phone wiping the dripping shame off his face.

Forgetting he had to speak.

“Hello.” A man’s voice called from over the phone, a very familiar voice.

Warner squinted his eyes his lips forming words that wouldn’t come out at the thought he remembers this voice.

“Samuel?” Warner closed his eyes trying hard to recall the man talking over the phone, the deep silk voice.

Fine, don’t speak,” He chuckled, voice raspier than before.

“You’re so cunningly stupid, aren’t you Samuel?” Voice that stays so even and relaxed, I have heard it. I know this voice.

“Or maybe surprised at how I found your secret number?” Warner quickly drew out his phone, his face covered with unease, opening the recorder and turning the volume up a little thanking there were not anyone present in the library.

“Stupid, I will find you from anywhere on this earth, even if you’ll be dead, I will find you.” Higher pitch than before.

“Now I understand why you were so determined fighting for the Hutchins,”

Warner stayed quiet memorizing and recording every piece of information helpful to him and mostly about the person in whose house he and his mother were staying.

No one could be trusted he knew that.

“Agreeing to win the case,” Warner’s lips parted at his statement rage building in him for the fact he helped the Commissioner putting innocent Shawn in that mess, how he was suffering after the case, Warner saw it and he heard it and the anger was a canon event.

“Where is my 50% Samuel? I haven’t got it.”

This was a plan? All this filthy game was planned by these people and Samuel was the part of it.

“I might say, I am totally impressed by how you deceived those fools and won something I call golden bird but also makes me question,”

Warner’s hands now on his mouth not to speak or yell or even let the man know he wasn’t Samuel.

“Makes me question if you’re even on their side.”

“The person who came here finds you noisy, please don’t create noise in the library.” The old woman stated approaching at the 9th shelf and Warner squeezed his eyes.

“Hello? That stupid is always in the library.” The man said before hanging up the phone.

“I am sorry.” Warner said as the old woman shook her head mumbling some words in her mouth, Samuel did it, he even got a golden bird, what the hell is that? What the golden bird might be? How could he be friends with Shawn and backstab him in spite of that? And that hit Warner hard in his gut and his heart dropped into his stomach, if he helped the Hutchins that is the commissioner then it also meant that he helped Cody too, the conclusion to the hypothesis of the information was simple.

Warner was not yet safe from the threat; Cody might know where he was that concluding Aster would too and now Warner just wanted to beat Samuel into a pulp and slam him into the golden bird he got. Where have I heard this voice? Warner scoffed burying his face in his hands.

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