June Collins Parker

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Pieces sticking together always makes one whole page.


One punch in the gut probably the 11th punch in a row and he wasn’t afraid to make it a 100, unless the traitor disguised as a victim speaks! Anything that is relevant and resourceful.

How dare he steal his victim? He was supposed to kill Warner! Not this guy in front of him! Panting like a loser, June smiled to himself spotting the blood dripping down his nose, in front of him? He had the guts to plot against his victim?

He looked around the basement of his house wondering Nicole used to clean it as well by how shiny the tiles and walls were and shifted his gaze back to the boy in front of him, his deep blue eyes not hindered he kept his gaze straight, the blood down his fore-head scratch. June finally scoffed,

“Aster. As much as I would love to end you, I can’t and you will have to answer.”

He exhaled and struggled in the rope June tied him to.

“You hurt my best-friend. You better have an explanation.” June added and stifled back a chuckle fooling Aster to believe he was indeed helping Warner. Aster stopped moving and lifted up his face.

“I am not a coward like you, I am not fascinated by the thought of killing Warner.” June grimaced punching the bag harder, coward? Cody was a coward to kill his father, it was Jennifer who aired those rumors if he wouldn’t have been a coward…

The dead person would’ve been Jennifer not his father Mike Collins. And then it pinched June, what Aster meant by that? He sighed, leveling his face with Aster’s with both his hands clasped on the sides.

“What. Do. You. Mean?” Slower with an air of unease, wanting his conviction to be false. Aster stayed quiet and his eyes stupidly fierce an ability to manipulate June.

“What do you mean?!” He violently shook the chair and Aster sighed.

“Cody was supposed to use the car, the night before he told me to send the car for a check,” A pause, he looked at June “I didn’t know about Warner’s break-up and he took out the car, Warner is not my enemy,” Another pause “Unless he wants to.”
How many rivals Cody has? He thought.

June forgot he was froze for a minute, the information wasn’t still what he needed, he needed to know what he meant by addressing him a coward. What and how much does this guy know? Lots of questions arising with one standing out from all those, how did he manage to fool them?

“Warner is my best-friend! You can’t kill him. I will do it myself.”

Aster nodded with a reserved expression or maybe that’s how his face was built.

“Don’t worry, like I said. I am not a coward like you.” June scoffed grabbing Aster’s collar who kept an unhindered look on his face, eyes open for danger. He punched his face again leaving him coughing ventilate in the small room.

“Non-sense talks, I am not into them. He is my best-friend-”

“Warner is NOT your best-friend!” Aster yelled and it was calm in spite of the loud tone, June unable to move his lips turned back.

“You’re using him as an accomplice and guess what? Despite of him being that you want to kill him. You think killing Warner would pain Cody.”

His whole life was illustrated with just 26 words, an alphabet has 26 letters and June’s plan has 26 words printed deep within his heart to only hear them distinctly from the person he never got to know.

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