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New Years passed with relative quiet

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New Years passed with relative quiet. I found out through some gossip that the company that Rebecca was "single" and spent her days holed up in Stefano's office waiting for him to finish rehearsals. I hadn't seen her - and desperately hoped she didn't know I'd been the one to tell Loren about her cheating ways - and expected that if she was as serious as she seemed with Stefano, then I'd see her at the opening party for Giselle in a week.

I'll admit, after all this time, I was beginning to wonder if Loren would ever be interested in me romantically. I mean, for God's sake, I had kissed him and told him I loved him, and if I was reading the signs right, he at least liked me back. Why hadn't he made a move? Had I seemed standoffish? Like I had interests that lay elsewhere? Did he really only like me as a friend? That thought was unpleasant. Here I'd been - for months - pining after my only real friend, and a large part of me was wounded at the thought that he might never love me back. It was pathetic.

"What's that face?" Amit asked, popping over my shoulder as I stretched. "You look like someone killed your cat."

"I don't even have a cat." I muttered.

"Well yeah, that's because someone killed it." He joked, standing on the opposite site of the barre, stretching as well. "So spill. It's got to do with Loren, yes?"

"Yes." I admitted, wondering if Amit had a future in therapy once he quit dancing. "He's broken up with Rebecca. He should just start dating me. I could make him happy."

"Yeah, well you wouldn't cheat on him, that's for sure." Amit agreed. "You're head over heels for this dude. And he hasn't even shown any interest in you."

The comment stung. "I mean he's flirty. And I'm pretty sure that he was going to kiss me this one time."

"But he didn't." Amit continued, switching sides as he propped his left leg up on the barre. "And he's single and you're still not dating him. Dont't make me say it, sweetheart."

I sighed and sat down on the ground. "I know. I'm pathetic." I put a hand to my forehead to hide my shame. God, when had I gotten this desperate?

"Listen, some girls and I are going out tonight. Come with us."

"I'm not going to go hook up with someone because I can't have Loren." I retorted, glaring up at Amit.

"I'm not saying you should sleep with some random dude. Jesus, girl, when was the last time you got laid?"

"Allan." I pointed out and Amit's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"Allan? What the hell, Eleanor? That was like, five years ago."

"Hey! It'll be four this spring." I argued.

"Maybe we should go find you some dude. I'm kidding." He clarified when I shot him a look. "But no, come out with us. Have a few drinks. Dance to something that isn't played by an orchestra. Let loose. Enjoy life. You're too young to be hung up on some guy that doesn't want you back." Ouch. That hurt, even if it was true.

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