Dislocation PT 2 💕

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For EidolonArmy96 who requested this continuation.

TW: Brutal death of a child

Elliot POV

All I see is darkness as I'm lost in dreamland. However my body is trying to wake me up. Not wanting to leave the comforting warmth I'm surrounded by. I didn't want it to fade. It wasn't often I was able to feel warm. I do wonder why I'm feeling this warmth? It was freezing in the walls and my blanket didn't do much to keep me warm. Wait a second I didn't fall asleep in my home. I shot awake in fear. Let me think.

I went out borrowing. Heard the bean heading to the kitchen. I tried to hide or get away but got hurt. The human came. And.... and he saw me. That's when I... passed out. Oh my god! I rubbed the shit out of my eyes which will make them red and sting a little and blinked rapidly till I could see properly. The sight before me was terrifying. A huge hand. A human hand. Was laying on top of my body. I feel the surface I was on moving and large gusts of air behind me.

I look back and I might as well have a heart attack. It was the human that found me. He was asleep with me under his hand. I would've screamed if I hadn't bit my tongue. The difference in size between me and him was insane. I looked back at his hand. I was the size of his ring finger!? Maybe smaller!?

The human wasn't like most humans. He had light skin, long curly purple and brunette hair, freckles, blue eyes which were closed. He also wore something called makeup that humans use. I believe it enhances your appearance or something. He normally puts colourful powder on his eyelids and cheeks, this ink looking stuff on his eyelashes and bottom of his eye lid and puts this crayon looking stuff on his lips. He also had colourful nails. They were currently blue and pink.

He was also older than me, he's an adult I think. I would say he's at least 20. I'm only 14 so that's a lot older than me. He drives which I know because I've seen him constantly complaining about losing the keys for it, he also has this butterfly on his left hand which looks like a drawing but doesn't come off. I believe it's called a tattoo and you have to be a certain age to get it. He also goes out to parties and comes home acting funny after drinking this weird stuff. So I think he's adult I haven't seen kids or teens do that stuff. If he wasn't a human I would've thought that he looks like a nice person. He probably is to other beans but not borrowers.

Trying to get away from him and to escape I move from under his hand onto the upper part of his chest. My arm hurt a bit as my injured one scraped the huge hand. I try to stand up but my foot gets caught in the fabric and I trip over. I fall over on my face letting out an ow as the fall hurt a little. I sit up and feel the ground below me tremble. I look back and see the human sitting up and opening his eyes. I back up under his hand as his eyes land on me. Feeling scared. I wasn't much safer under his hand but I didn't know what to do.

My heavy breathing starts to pick up as the hand over me moves to behind me. I tremble tears dripping from my eyes. "Please *hic*. Please don't kill me! I don't want to *hic* die!" I shout out even though it's pointless. My begging won't make him not want to hurt me. Why would he listen to me? I'm nothing but a little pest to him? His eyes suddenly look full of guilt and shame.

I see his thumb above my head coming down. I try to get away from it thinking he was going to squish me. Then he started stroking my hair with it. I was confused. He continued to gently fuss with my hair in a petting motion and gave me a kind smile. "I won't hurt you sweetheart, okay? You are completely safe here. I'm not sure why you think I would do that, but just know that I won't alright? Besides why would I have helped you if my intention was only to harm you?"

Conan POV

I slowly woke up remembering the events of yesterday. I had found a tiny boy underneath the table. He had been really scared and hurt. I assisted his injury and brought him with me to bed to look after him. My eyes meet 2 very frightened ones. The young boy was awake. He backed under my hand in fear. I moved my hand behind him so I could see him a little better but regretted that decision.

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