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"Tragedy has struck Woodsboro this evening."


Thursday, September 28th, 1995

Woodsboro, California, U.S.A.

Bradley Video Store

“Thank you, have a nice day. Be sure to come back on Monday to return your video!” [Name] calls after a customer.

“You have a nice day too!” the customer says back and leaves the building, the bell above the door dinging loudly.

A content sigh leaves her lips as her eyes land on her watch. Her eyes light up at the sight of the hands saying 7:00 P.M.

“Hey, Karen,” she calls to her co-worker and classmate beside her, “my shift is over so I’m gonna head out. Are you okay to handle the cash register?”

Karen nods with a smile, “Yep, I’m fine. Have a great rest of your day. And don’t forget about that English report tomorrow. You know how Mr. Smith can be.”

“I’m working on it tonight with Sidney and Tatum, I’ll be fine.”

[Name] walks out of the check-out counter and walks to the back room to quickly retrieve her jacket. When she exits, she spots the familiar faces of Billy and Stu up at the counter, having two stacks of videos placed on the check-out counter. As [Name] walks closer, she smiles at the familiar titles of the videos her friends have picked.

“Black Christmas, When A Stranger Calls, When A Stranger Calls Back, Dementia 13, Suspiria, Psycho, The Exorcist, Are You In the House Alone?, Carrie, Silence of the Lambs, Deep Red, and Happy Birthday to Me? You guys are more into horror than I thought you were,” she says as she stands next to the two boys.

“Heya, sweet cheeks,” Stu greets with a wide grin. His eyes scan over [Name]’s jacket and raises an eyebrow, “You off now?”

“Yeah, I gotta head over to Tatum’s with Sid to finish our English report.”

“For that perverted fuck Mr. Smith?” Billy questions.

“Yes, for the ‘perverted fuck.’ I have to do it if I wanna pass, remember,” she replies.

“Still, if he does anything then let us know,” Billy goes on.

“What’re you gonna do? Beat the shit out of a teacher?”

Stu shrugs, “Hey, one of these days he could just drop dead, and no one would even blink an eye.”

“Be nice, Stu. I’m not wishing death on anybody,” she scolds the taller boy.

“Your loss,” he responds with a cheeky grin.

“I’ll take that loss. Now I gotta go,” her gaze shifts to the videos once again, “have fun with your movie marathon.”

“Will do,” Billy answers. “Tell Michael we’ll watch The Shining again sometime next week, okay?”

[Name] smiles, “Copy that. See ya boys.”

With that, she swiftly exits the store, the bell above the door dinging once again. Making her way through the parking lot, she reaches her car and hops in after unlocking it. Putting her key into the ignition, she exits the parking lot and starts driving to her first stop, her neighbor Sidney’s house.

Once the car pulls to a stop in the gravelly driveway, [Name] takes her keys out and steps out onto the driveway. With a slam of her car door, she goes and walks up the pathway that leads up to the front door. Her hand hovers over the doorbell and she presses it, hearing it ring through the inside of the large house.

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