Announcement - March 17th, 2024

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Hello, hello again everyone and hello to the newcomers :)

It has been a long while since I've posted an update and I am here to let you all know what's been going on and what's going to happen.

What's happening with me

So, as many of you know, my dog has passed away and that was one of the main reasons I went on hiatus.

Losing an animal is always tough to deal with and we almost had a scare with my cat last month with a nasty stroke she had gone through. Thankfully, she's fine now but we're keeping a close eye on her.

But a week after I went on my long break, me and my family got another dog which we named Vader — we're big Star Wars fans and we name every dog we get after something Star Wars related. He is a very hyper puppy and loveable (only toward my dad and Pap it seems like lol). Of course, I still miss my dog Chop and will always miss him but having another dog around the house is bringing back some normality in our house again.

Thank you to everyone for their condolences, they helped me recover over the time I was gone and it made me feel better knowing that there are other people besides my little circle of friends that care for me.

Apart from my dog, I went on hiatus due to school work swamping me, my sleep schedule, some family issues, and an overabundance of other shit.

Like any other student, I despise certain attributes about school and that would be homework. I suck at getting some things in on time but now I am working on putting school and my well-being before writing. It may seem unfair to some of you, but that's what I am going to do in order to set everything straight for a healthy schedule for me.

What is going to happen to this book

Like I said before I took my break, I am not going to give up in this book. I made a promise to you after all.

That being said, I do have a few things to do before I start uploading this story again.

First thing is that I am going to rewrite a couple of chapters. I know people have an issue with me editing but while I was going on my break, I had time to read my chapters and I enjoyed some while others I despised. Will I rewrite every chapter? No, only the ones I think that need some work done. The others I will just edit for any grammar mistakes that I see.

Second thing is that I will create a schedule for myself for me to divide my schoolwork and my writing time. I always struggle with finding the perfect schedule so I need to work on it until I find one that works for me.

Third, my goal for this story is to start updating again by June. Why June? Because that's the month my school year ends. If I remember correctly, my last day is June 4th. Either June 4th or June 5th, I can't recall.

What happens now?

Now, I am going to work on a new schedule for myself. Then, I'll fully get back on my feet.

If you would like to chat, I am free to talk on here, or you can contact me on Snapchat.

My Snapchat is @ashk1017

And here's the link

Let me know if the link doesn't work :)

But I hope you all have a great day or night, stay safe, and I will see you all soon enough!

Here's a cookie for your troubles 🍪


Word count ~ 629 words

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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