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Hello everyone. I hope you guys are having a great day or night wherever you guys reside :)

I am here to update you guys on what's going to happen for a little bit.

So, lately I have not been in the right state of mind and if you guys saw my last announcement from a couple days ago then you'll know that my dog recently passed away. I have been in a slump lately not just because of my dog but really about everything and because of that I have fallen behind drastically in writing chapters.

That being said, I am going to put this book on hold for the time being until I am able to catch up with my chapters. My goal is to write all of the remaining chapters and just update them like my normal schedule. That or I'm thinking about updating them all here on the same day once I am done. I still haven't decided on what I'm going to do yet.

I will still reply to any comments you guys leave and like said comments while I'm putting this book on hold. I can't promise an exact date this book will come back but once I'm ready, I will fix my update schedule chapter.

I know this will probably frustrate some of you but I'm doing what's best for now whether you see it as a good thing or not. I have been in this slump for a while now and tried to suck it up but now I just can't hold it in anymore.

I promise that this book will come back, I'm not gonna abandon it. All I need is time to recuperate and figure out a healthy schedule for me to squeeze in writing.

Just right now between still grieving my dog, not getting enough sleep on a nightly basis, not having time to write, being swamped with assignments, etc. it's hard to fit everything in right now. So after I update this chapter I will be working on a schedule for myself and begin trying to figure out what to do next.

I hope you all understand and again, I promise that this book will come back.

As always, my DMs are open if you want to chat about anything.

But without further ado, this is the pause on this book for now and I will see you whenever I figure things out. I hope you all have a great day or night.

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