Chapter Nine

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Everybody’s a suspect!


Friday, September 27th, 1996

Woodsboro High School

Woodsboro, California, U.S.A.

Outside of the school, Stu watches as the group heads off in the direction of Tatum’s house. He keeps his eyes fixed on [Name] until her figure gets smaller and smaller in the distance. Smiling to himself, he turns around only to be face-to-face with Billy.

“Jesus, Billy, don’t scare me like that,” he pouts.

Billy rolls his eyes, “Don’t be so easy to scare then. Did you convince them to come?”

“Yeah, took a while but I got them to come around.”

“Good,” Billy nods, “now all we have to do is take care of Mr. Smith and Mr. Himbry then we’ll be outta here.”

“Did all the other teachers leave yet?”

“Not yet, all who’s left is that dick of a gym teacher, but he should be leaving soon. We can get changed and wait in an empty classroom until he’s gone.”

Stu nods, “Sounds like a plan.”

And with that, the two boys walk over to Billy’s car and grab the duffle bag that holds both boys’ costumes and knives. After grabbing it, they continue with their plan and successfully sneak back into the school without any bystanders. Carefully, they enter the empty Biology classroom and proceed to change into their costumes.

“When do you think Mr. Truman will leave?” Stu questions.

Billy nods over to the door where the pair see the gym teacher walk past through the small window at the top.

“Right now,” Billy answers.

They sneak up to the door and watch through the window as Mr. Truman leaves the building for the day. Waiting a minute, they make sure he doesn’t come back in for anything before leaving the classroom.

“Okay, from here you go take care of Mr. Smith while I take care of Mr. Himbry. Got it?” Billy explains.

Stu nods, “Got it. Where do we meet when we’re done?”

“Up in Himbry’s office, then we’ll gut both and hang ‘em on the goalposts.”

“Okay. See you in a few minutes, then?”

“Yep, now go before Mr. Smith leaves.”

Stu nods once more before the pair part ways and goes off to kill each victim.

Sneaking down the hall, Stu adjusts his mask before his eyes land on the door to the English classroom where Mr. Smith sits inside at his desk grading last-minute assignments. Stu then stands beside the door and takes out the phone that rests in his front right pants pocket. Taking out the voice changer as well, he then begins to dial the number of Mr. Smith’s cell phone that he keeps on his desk.

As Mr. Smith writes down a “B+” on one of his student's assignments, his phone lying on his desk begins to ring, making him put his red pen down and answer the phone.

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