Chapter 3

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I open my eyes, letting the soft glow of the sun hit my eyes. I grab my glasses from the side of the bed putting them on. Now that I can see clearly I climb out of the bed, letting my bare feet touch the cold wooden floor. It creaks softly as I step down.

I fix my bed, putting the pink duvet neatly over the mattress. I then put 3 of my pillows in the back, they leaned against the bed frame. Lastly I place my teddy bears along the pillows, saying good morning to each of them.

I move to my dresser and grab out my grey sweatpants, red long sleeve tank top, and my socks. I put on my clothes and start to fix up my hair. I put my hair into 2 french braids and I used bows at the bottom.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror I smile. My braces were flashing in the light, and my skin was glowing. I brush my teeth and use my water picker to get anything out of my teeth. Lastly I go to the kitchen and grab a poptart and put it in the front pocket of my bag.

Before heading out the door, I put on my red Converse. Then I put my backpack over my shoulder, and opened the front door heading out and making sure the door was locked. Didnt need anything happening to my house while I was gone. I think in my head.

I start to head down to the sidewalk and start my stroll to the bus stop. After about 5 minutes, I make it to the bus stop. With no one there since there was no one at my stop, I put my headphones in and blast Chase Atlantic into my ears as I waited for the bus.


Some time has passed and I am now in my 2nd period. (Ap English literature), In my class Reece and Julianna were in here. They are alway laughing and making out in the room. Since Mr.Paradom doesnt care about what we do.

I was on my laptop starting to write my essay he assigned, thinking about what to write. I chew on my pen simultaneously. I start to type when a shadow covers me, causing my area to go slightly darker than usual.

I look up, pushing my glasses up by pressing in the middle of them. It was obviously Reece. I sigh and wait for him to say something to me. “Do you want your book back weirdo” he says smirking while the other people in the back of him start to laugh and chuckle hearing him.

“Umm…Y..Yes please.” My soft voice comes out with a little stutter. He holds the book over my head.”Then get it” he laughs. I started to jump up trying to get the book, getting the book was hard though. He’s 6 foot and I'm only 5 foot 2.

I whine trying to grab the book. “Aww is little needy whining?” Reece says as he then chucks the book, landing it in the trash can. Everyone starts to laugh and I feel ashamed. Why did Iet him treat me like that I start to think.

Not wanting to feel anymore embarrassed in front of everyone. I quickly pack up, I put my bag onto my shoulders and push the door open roughly and I run to the bathroom.

I get to the bathroom and open up a stall, quickly closing and locking the door. I sit on the toilet and start to cry softly. I took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes. I pinched myself, letting the pain soothe me as I cry. I continued to pinch until the bell rang. I took out my phone, went to the camera and looked at my eyes.

They were all puffy and red. It definitely looked like I was crying. I sigh and take out my clear eyes solution out of my bag. I open the bottle and put the solution in my eyes, blinking to mix it around. I unlock the stall and walk out the bathroom.

I went to my last class of the day, which was French IV. I was greeted by my teacher. “Bonjour” I say with a smile trying to hide any sadness in my voice. I walked to the back of the classroom and waited for class to start focusing on the teacher and taking small notes in my pink notebook.


I am now in my pajamas and slippers. I ate some chicken and dumpling my dad left over for dinner. I sit and study for all of my classes. Then my phone rings, I pick it up looking at the name. “Mother”, seeing who it was, I quickly picked up the phone.

“Hello?” I say softly into the phone.

“Hi babe, how was school”

I pause for a secopnd thinking of what to say. “It was good mom” i say lying about how my day actually was.

“Okay baby well I was just checking in on you, Your dad leave?”

“Yes, he left this morning”

“Okay cool, Well I have to get back to work. I love you, my beautiful daughter.”

I smile and start to blush slightly.”I love you too mom”

Once the line hangs up I close my laptop and sigh, laying my head on the back of the couch cushion. I look at the time, 9:14pm, I think about going to bed since it was so late. I get up and grab my laptop and phone going to my room.

I put the laptop on the desk, plugged it into the charger and I plug my phone in. I pull back the covers from the bed climbing into the covers and letting the warmth of them comfort me. I pull my glasses off, folding them and putting them onto the bedside table. I then turn off the lamp and start to drift off to sleep.

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