Chapter 5

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I woke up to the feeling of Reece’s hands coming off of me. They felt so warm and gentle in the morning sun. But soon I felt a sense of emptiness when I felt them let go of me. I keep my eyes closed waiting for something more.

Reece softly taps my shoulder, and tells me good morning. I tell him good morning back and give him a small smile. Starting to slowly open my eyes up, getting used to the morning sunlight. He pulls my hair out of my face looking into my eyes and I can help but blush at the simplicity of the attention.

I always loved Reece. Ever since middle school, he seems too occupied with Annalise at the time though. He was always pushing her, and bugging her for no reason. Which is why I never liked her. That bitch can die somewhere if she thinks she’ll take Reece from me. She always had that glow in her eyes everytime she looked at him. Like she wanted something more from him. Of course he would never give it to her though. I mean he’s  with me, why would he?

Anyways getting myself from that thought. Reece kisses me softly and I kiss him back, feeling a warm hearted blush on my cheeks. He gets all the way out the bed, going to what I was assuming was his bathroom.

While I was doing that, I got out of bed. I made it by putting the light blue cover onto the top and fixing the pillows in their places. I went to the closet that me and Reece shared. I picked out my white crop top that came down to a couple inches above my belly button. It had a tie in the back, I tied that into a bow. I put on my black leggings and the black converses that were sitting in the corner with my bookbag.

I then started to put on my makeup. I put on my caramel shade of foundation. My eyeliner and some lip gloss to top it off. I heard the door open meaning that Reece was done so I looked behind me and Reece complimented me. “You look beautiful,” he said with a kiss on my cheek. I giggle a bit seeing that we were matching. I pull his face towards me by putting my hands on his cheeks and pulling him in for a kiss. He gave me a light kiss back and then he went out of the room.

I sit and start to text my friend. He is one that Ive been talking to for a while. We might of fucked here and there but never had any strings attached. He is like my backup when I need someone and Reece isnt available. Now Reece doesnt know this at all but I feel that I shouldnt tell him. So I just keep it to myself.

I hear Reece coming back upstairs so I quickly hide my phone in my bookbag and I continue to do my makeup so he doesnt look suspicious. Pretending to my lips still. After he comes in I “fininsh” my makeup. He gives me a poptart. I thank him and we both head downstairs to grab my bookbag, climbing into his jeep.

As he pulled up to the school, I smiled and I got out of the car, walking into the school with his hand in mine. I loved to claim Reece with everything I could do. He and I go to our classes. Fastfoward to our English class together. I was sitting in his lap.

He had his hands around my waist. He seemed preoccupied with something though. I followed his eyes and sure enough he was looking at Annalise. I rolled my eyes and sigh. I pushed it off and stopped thinking of it. Trying not to assume the worst.

I hate Annalise so much…


I woke up and felt the morning sun on my skin. I sit up stretching my arms and yawning loudly. I look at my phone screen and see that I’m up really early for school. I put on my glasses and climb out of my bed. Doing my morning routine of making my bed, saying good morning to my stuffies then going to the bathroom in order to dp my skincare and brush my teeth.

I finish all of that and then I go to my room, looking into my closet for something to wear. I picked out a blue croptop with overalls to go over them. The overalls were denim and black and they had pockets in the back and some small ones in the front. I put that on and then pulled out some lace thigh highs. I put them on and then I put on my blue converses completing my look.

After that I start to fix my hair. I put my hair into a half up half down, but instead o one ponytail, I do 2 spacebuns. I smile at the look. I look through my jewlery box and I grab my blue satin ribbons. I put them in my hair, wrapping them around my buns and letting the long string hang down.

I spray on some moisterizing spray and then go downstairs. I get my backpack ready and I get a chocolate poptart, eating that along with some apple juice to wash it down.


I got on the bus and now I am in English with Julianna and Reece. Not like I am with them but they are realitivally close to me. Which is hard to not look. Julianna was sitting on Reece's lap while he had his arms over her. Paying attention to my studies I get out my book and start to read. The book I was reading was about climate change since I finished everything in this class and decided to look at other class works.

Until I feel like someone is looking at me…

I push my glasses up with a finger before then looking up to see who was looking at me. I see Reece was staring right at me. I blush a bit, feeling embarrassed and feeling a new feeling in my lower regions. This was odd. I never felt that way before. I look down at the book quickly without looking at him for too long. But something about Reece just makes me feel loved and beautiful.

Not to mention, Reece is really hot,  just the way his muscles look in his plain white tee, and the way he just man-spreads on the chair. I wish I was in Julianna’s place.I focus back on my studies, trying to get Reece out of my mind.

I want Reece, my bully from middle school to now in college. The way he bullies me, makes me want him even more.

I love him...

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