Chapter 7

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Reece and I arrived at my house shortly after. Reece gets out first and he then opens my door letting me out of the jeep. He leaves our things in the car telling me that he will grab them later.

I tell him okay and I start to lead the way to the cozy cottage. I pulled out my key from my back jeans pocket and I put the keys into the door, wiggling it was stuck.

Once I heard a click I opened the door letting me and Reece into the house. After that I closed the door. I stand by the door trying to lock it but then Reece puts his hands on my cheeks and pulls me toward him.

I look up at him with a small smile on my face. I put my hand on my face, trying to hide the blush. When he then pulls my hands off and smiles back at me. “Dont worry youre beautiful.” He says softly. His compliments made me feel like I was going to melt into the floor. I look at him but then remember that he was crying earlier.

I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. Not liking to hold eye contact I look away from him, feeling embarrassed. I pull his hands off my cheeks softly and I take a deep breath trying to figure out what to say to him.

“Umm.. So what happened, I thought you were crying earlier.” I say softly, biting my lip looking at him. He goes to the couch to the left side of the room and sits down, manspreading and putting his head in his hands. I go to him and sit on the ground, sitting in between his legs. I took his hands from his head and made him look at me.

He started to cry softly as he started to tell me what happened. I sighed and looked at him with soft eyes as I said nothing and I wrapped my arms around him and just held him. I let him cry into my arms. After a while he stopped crying and it was an awkward silence.

“Are you hungry?” I ask not knowing what to say at all. He shakes his head and I get up, get my phone and order food. I ordered some pizza and I put the money on the table waiting for the pizza guy to knock on the door.

While we were waiting I got him some clothes from my dad's clothes for him to get comfortable in. I lead him to the bathroom to get changed and then I go to my room and I put on some shorts and a tank top. I took my hair out of my tight ponytail and I put it into a loose bun. After I was done with that I grabbed some blankets out of the linen closet in my bathroom and I grabbed some pillows as well.

I walked to the living room and put everything on the couch. Laying them down so that we could lay down after eating. I checked on Reece as he was still in the bathroom and I knocked on the door. “Are you okay?” I say softly into the door, he gives a quiet mhm and I go to the couch and sat down waiting for him to come to me.

I put on one of my favorite movies {Princess and the frog} and I sat down and watched some of it. Not even a few minutes later I heard the bathroom door open and at the same time the doorbell rang. I got up and got the money off the table and gave it to the pizza man grabbing the pizza.

Reece rushed to me and grabbed the boxes in my hand. I say thank you and he puts them on the table. I shut the door and I went to Reece. I grabbed some plates and put them out. Me and Reece ate and we sat down on the couch.

I sat my back on the couch as he was laying between my legs and putting his head on my stomach. I brushed my hands through his curls. We sat in somewhat silence watching the movie and I felt him smile. He looked up at me staring at my lips. I looked at him in confusion not knowing why he was looking at me like that.

I didnt understand what he meant or how to go about the situation. He put his hand onto my face and brushed his thumb across my cheek softly. The feeling of that made me feel like nothing I ever felt before. It made me feel butterflies and tingly.

I open my mouth, going to say something when he kisses me. My eyes fluttered closed as I kissed him back. He pulls away and looks into his eyes not knowing what to say.

A shorter chapter than usual sorry but I hope everyone likes it.

Any thoughts?🩷

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