First Time

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I walked to Mics drawer to look for her Dildo as she wanted me to do, I grabbed her purple dildo and handed it to her. She started to look for some Lube and i just sat there staring at the dildo, She came back with said lube and looked at me worried:
"What's wrong Bucket?..."

"It's just....I-i've been keeping this secret....f-for a long time..."

"What is it?"

"...I-i'm not actually a-a Girl. Yes i'm nonbinary but my genitals?....T-the reason why my chest is small is because well...I-i'm trans...."
I blurted out embarrassed and backed away from Mic who genuinly looked surprised, She smiled softly and approached me before kissing ny forehead gently

"It's okay, I dont judge you at all for being trans! I still love you anyways"
I was shocked to hear her accept me, It's the first time i've been accepted for being trans actually! It made me so happy i started to cry even! I huggdd her tightly and cried on her chest, Thankfully she allowed me too and after about like 10 minutes we sat down on the bed.

"I-i can go and ask Fan for some Condoms if you want?"

"...O-okay, Go ahead..."

"I'll be back, I promise"
We both waved at each other and she left the room.

Mics POV:

I left the room and walked over to Testtubes room, I knew exactly what the Bright Lights are doing since well...They have s3x every single saturday, I knocked on the door and wouldnt you know it but Paintbrush opened the door. I was shocked to find out that Paintbrush had abs or even muscles! I akwardly blurted out
"Do you have condoms?..."


"D-do uou have condoms that i can b-borrow?..."


Tt:  "...YEAH?!"





"OKAY!!, I'll go get them for you hold on."
I was left there flabbergasted as they both yelled at each other, Paintbrush came back with one condom and handed it to me. I thanked them and left.

Back to your POV:

I waited a long time for Mic to come back, I decided to take my pants off and before i could, She already came back. I stared at her embarrassed knowing she knows what i wss about to do.
"You know how to...F#ck women, Right?"

"No...I dont know how to actually...."

"...Oh, I can show you if you want?"

"I-i'd rather learn by you telling me...N-not by watching p-rn, Thanks..."

"Oh okay!"
(Yall thought i'm gonna write smut again? Frick no!...Unless like a lot of people want me to then i'll consider it idk)

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