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We open on a crime scene, one of Central London's roads is barriered off as Y/n and a police captain investigate the site, deep into 2 AM.

Captain Lauds: We're missing something here...

Captain Mason Lauds had joined the force only months before Y/n was bitten by a radioactive spider and they had been working closely together ever since. He is only a decade older than Y/n, currently in his mid-to-late twenties.

Y/n: Yeah, a good nights sleep.

The skies are clear, though gutters provide the atmospheric sound of rainwater striking the ground as it collects in puddles. Steer lights are the only things that illuminate the scene that the pair analyses.

Captain Lauds: So, she breaks in, steals a bunch of chemicals, kills two scientists and then just up and disappears. What then?

Y/n: She's a slippery little minx, but nobody's perfect. There'll be something here if we look long enough.

The building in question is a chemical lab, bust wide open with a gash in the metal exterior of the area. Wide enough for someone to dive through. Y/n does exactly that. Mason -not nimble enough to follow- stands as close to the gash as possible so that he may talk to Y/n.

Captain Lauds: What do you see?

The lobby of the lab appears incredibly sterile. All surfaces are marble with shades of both white and dark grey. The overhead lights are flickering heavily and chairs have been strewn all across the room.

Y/n: Carnage...

Y/n notices a slumped body in the corner of the room, the heavy gear alludes to them being a member of the lab's security detail.

Y/n: Captain! I've got another body here!

Captain Lauds: Status?

Y/n presses two fingers to the guard's body. His skin is as cold as death and lacking pulse. Spider-Man draws his fingers back and shouts back to the gash in the entrance.

Y/n: Dead!

Captain Lauds: That makes three. Any discernible cause of death?

There is a large hole in his sternum with a green liquid lightly oozing from it. Y/n uses his mask's HUD to identify the chemical without risking touching it.

Y/n: Anatoxin-A. Definitely our girl.

A crash in the distance gains the attention of both men, Y/n performs a sonar scan with his HUD and is shown movement on the floor above him.

Y/n: She's still here!

Y/n selects a gadget known as 'splitter web' with his HUD, turning to the broke door and firing. Five webs burst from both of his web shooters- making ten in total. He uses these and his enhanced strength to bring the metal gateway down, allowing Captain Lauds into the building.

Captain Lauds: You could have done that the whole time?

Y/n: Let's go!

The two run up the stairs, Mason having his gun raised. The first floor is completely desolate in terms of light, only a small amount of the overhead lamps still working.

Captain Lauds: Stay sharp, Spider-Man. She'll be even more dangerous in the dark...

Y/n: I think you're forgetting I have Spider-

Y/n tackles Captain Lauds to the ground as a large projectile glob of poison barely misses them- flying into the stairwell. The lights in the large, open space now all turn on to reveal Scorpion.

Avoid the Spider-Verse (Spider-Verse Saga insert)Where stories live. Discover now