Chapter One

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"Hiiiii Daddy" Luke screamed as he came running across the hall

"Hey big boy!" Charles said as he picked up his son.

"Look how big you've gotten!"

"Of course I have. I'm turning 7 next week"

"That's such a big number.Oh, where has all the time gone" Charles said making a puppy face.

"Luca, where's your sister?"

"She's in her room. She said she doesn't want to meet you. Should we give her away daddy, she's become such a crybaby"

"Luca don't talk about your sister like that" Charles said in a calm but firm voice.

"Sorry Dad"

"Good boy". He said as he ruffled his son's hair.

Charles went up to the second floor of his penthouse and gently tapped on the door-
"Juliana..." he called out his daughter

No one replied.

"He gently pushed the door and walked in the big Ferrari themed bedroom

"Where are you princess?"

"She's not here" an angry little voice came from beside the convertible-styled bed.

He smirked silently and slowly sat on the bed
Juliana was crouched in the corner of her room.

"Fine, I'll tell Uncle Carlos to go back"

"Uncle Carlos is here?" She asked as she jumped quickly

"Where is he, I want to meet him. Did he bring all my toys from Japan?"

"There's my little devil" Charles said smilingly as he picked up his daughter and kissed her on the cheeks.

"Why is Uncle Carlos more important than Daddy?" He asked

"Because he doesn't hate us like you do."

Sadness quickly swept over his face as though someone stabbed a knife in his chest.

"Sweetie, you told you that?"

"Miss Thomas"

"Your new babysitter" Charles asked as a glimpse of anger flashed on his face.


"Well, she's lying. Daddy would never hate you."

"Then why don't you ever take us to you race. Or anywhere?"

And there it was. The question he knew was gonna come up one day. It was easier when his kids were younger. But now Juliana was 5 and Luke was almost 7. And they'd started asking questions. Questions that he didn't have answers to. Questions that would make his babies sad. And seeing their sad faces would make his heart ache every time.

"Because, baby girl, you're too small to understand daddy's races. You'll get bored and confused there."
"Uncle Carlos would be there" she said in a teary voice
"Yea, but Uncle Carlos would be on the track with Daddy."

Charles felt a punch in his heart as he saw his daughter's sad face.

"Look", he put her down on the bed and said " When you grow up, I promise I'll take you to every single one of my races.

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise" he said smilingly as he hugged her tightly.

"Daddy let's go Uncle Carlos must be waiting"

He laughed "Uncle Carlos isn't here right now, but he's gonna come next Tuesday for Luca's birthday and yes he's bringing all your toys."

"Yayy" Juliana jumped happily in his arms

"So which Disney movie you wanna watch tonight?" He asked

"Cars" she replied with a huge smile

"That's my girl" he said while gently poking her nose.

As he came out of her room, smile disappeared and his face was red with anger.

"Mrs William" he shouted as he walked down the stairway.

"Yes sir!" His housekeeper came running from the kitchen

"Do you have Lyla Thomas's number?"

"Yes sir, I do,"

"Good. Call her and tell she's fired" He said Sternly.

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