Chapter Five

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I froze in my position as I heard the voice. The voice I hadn't heard in years.
It was HIM.

What was he doing here?He wasn't supposed to be home at this hour.

"Charles" I looked up

The last time I saw him was 6 years ago. He was a 19 year old teenager back then. 3 months before his 20th birthday.he'd grown so much since then. His hair wasn't blonde. It was a light shade of brown. His face had matured. But in that moment it was pale and absorbed in astonishnment. As if he had seen a ghost.

The way he looked at me was ....Scary. He was staring directly into my soul.

"Daddy" the kids screamed and ran towards him. It was only then he snapped out of what seemed like his worst nightmare.

"Dad you are home early?" luke asked

Charles didn't reply. He was still in shock. Still staring at me . A tear started streaming down his face. He quickly wiped it and kneeled before the kids "guys you wanna play a game"

"yes" they screamed in excitement

"okay here's the deal.... You both gonna go to the play room , slowly count to hundred and come back. Whoever wins will get a special gift from daddy. On 3, 1...2....3..

They both rushed up on 3

His grin turned itno a scary gaze as he got up looking at me

"what the fuck are you doing here" he asked in a very serious tone"



"I got a call from mrs williams that her husband is in ICU and she has left the kids with the new nanny. I rushed here as soon as I could because that woman is still a stranger. Where is she by the way? Shes supposed to be here , not you.
Where's that damn woman?...."

I remained silent. And that silence was loud enough for him to realise.

"Wait- Rose Brooks; as in Savannah Rose Brookfield, of course it's you ! I fucking should have known.You devised this whole plan to get near my kids. How dare you?"

At that moment I snapped
" OUR kids"
my voice trembled as a yelled back at him

"Our kids Charles, they're mine too"

"No they aren't. You left remember. You fucking  left.You divorced me and left. You left our newborn daughter on my doorstep and left . You-"

Suddenly his gaze diverted towards my hand and he went silent..
fuck he saw my engagemet ring!

As I opened my mouth to say something

" get out" he snarled slowly

"get out rignt now else I'll call the security" he yelled

I didn't move

He held me by the arm so strongly it hurt.


He bagan to pace towards the main entarnce of the penthouse

'Charles stop"..... "Charles...."

He threw me out of the house

"don't fucking show me your face again'' he said a shut the door on my face.

Aww Savannah :(

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