Chapter Eight

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Savannah's POV:

I was in Charles's penthouse  with the kids. Charles had left off early in the morning. As Mrs. Williams wasn't there I decided to prepare breakfast for the kids.

Juliana started crying profusely after she heard Charles went for his race and after a lot of convincing, she finally calmed down.

For lunch I made them pesto chicken salad, and after putting Juliana to nap me and Luke went to buy decoration items for his birthday. We bought all the dinosaur themed stuff.

When we came back after an hour and half, Juliana was wide awake. They played for a while as I made dinner and helped Luke finish his homework. The kids had their dinner and I put them to bed, made a coffee for myself and sat near the pool. The sun had just set and the skies had turned into a beautiful shade of pink and purple gradient. Just then my phone started ringing, it was Charles bodyguard, Louise. Why would he call me at this hour?

Curiously I picked up the phone,

"hey Louise, everything okay?" I asked

"Ma'am, Mr Leclerc got into an accident, please come urgently to Princess Grace Hospital."

My heart dropped.

Charles's POV:

It was practice session on Saturday , before the big race the next day,but instead of race my mind was filled with another thoughts, Adam and his stupid ring.

"Leclerc , where your mind at?" Carlos asked

"Race Sainz, What else?" I lied.

"okay focus now."

I took my helmet and went to the car

All I could think of was Savannah and the painful,  heart wrenching moments I spent with her.

"You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met"

"You are my reason to be alive"

"Savannah Rose Brookfield, will you marry me?"

I turned on the ignition.

"What? I'm going to be a father again? Oh my god Rosebelle I love you so much. Thankyou for giving me the best gift of my life"

I stepped on the pedal and the car stormed off

"please, please,please, please Savannah, please don't do this, I love you, I can't live without you, please I beg of you, think about Luke, please don't abandon him, what about the life we built together? Look if I did anything wrong , I promise it won't happen again. When our baby comes, I'll be the best father the world has ever seen. You won't separate me from our Baby girl, will you?I won't be live without her .Please don't break my heart like this .I beg you Rosebelle please...... CRASHHH!!!

There was a loud thud , my car turned sideways and I was thrown out. I felt a sharp pain in my left foot and then everything went dark

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