Chapter Twelve

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From the Dining Table- Harry Styles


It had been three weeks since the incident and Charlie was so cold it almost made Nick shiver.

Nick missed Charlie desperately. The relationship had made Nick warmer, it wasn't just a random fling with Nick. Nick had never felt so cold in his life. It was the first time anyone had wanted him for something more meaningful than just sex. He woke up everyday to check his messages, but there was never anything from Charlie. His phone missed Charlie's voice and the x's  and red heart emojis that accompanied every message.

The silence was so uncomfortable, but neither of them would break first.

When they kissed for a scene, sadness and hurt was written all over Charlie's face and there was nothing he could do to make it better. He knew Charlie would never apologize first and he had no reason to. Nick had hurt him 

Nick sat at home, petting Nellie, who he was sure could sense his depression, she was nowhere near as playful when he got home. Instead resting her head on Nick's lap, looking up at him with sad brown eyes. 

"I don't know what to do, Nell. He hates me." The dog whined and pushed her head under Nick's hand. He pet her gently. 

Eventually Nick couldn't help but start crying. He got down on the floor and hugged Nellie.

"I miss him so much." 

Nick heard his front door slam and a voice call out, "Nicky? Are you here?" Sarah called. 

"Living room!" Nick quickly wiped tears away. 

His mom entered the living room and sat on the couch. 

"So, are you gonna tell me what happened?" She asked softly.

"There's not really anything to tell." 

"Oh Nicky come on baby." 

"This girl, my agent's assistant, kissed me and Charlie saw before I could push her off, and he won't talk to me or let me talk to him." Nick said, new tears forming in his eyes. "And the worst part is Charlie literally warned me that she was flirting with me and I'm just so angry at myself for not seeing that she was actually flirting with me. And she's gone now, Tara fired her, but it won't make anything better." 

Sarah looked at her son sadly, "Charlie's a really special friend, isn't he darling?" 

Nick sniffed, his resolve hardening. 

"Mom, Charlie is, was, my boyfriend." He said carefully, watching his mother's face.

Sarah looked at her son. Nick took her hand, "I'm bisexual, if you've ever heard of that. Bisexuality." 

Sarah laughed, "I have heard of that, I wasn't born in the 19th century." Sarah hugged her son tightly, "Thank you for telling me that. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like you couldn't tell me." 

Nick shook his head against his mom's shoulder. "No, no. I just wanted to be sure." 

Sarah nodded, "And are you? Sure?" Nick replied in the affirmative. 

"Okay, baby. I'm so proud of you. And remember, you don't owe the media or anyone else that information. You're still human and you deserve love and something real." 

"I miss him so much, mom." Nick cried, holding his mother tight.

"I know you do." Sarah rubbed his back. "I know, love." 

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