Chapter Eighteen

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As stated, I'll write THREE epilogues. Enjoy!


Nick and Charlie laid in bed laughing over little things. It was 10 pm and they had to be up at 6 am for a 10 am flight to Paris. 

"Charrrr we gotta be up in 8 hours go to sleep." Nick laughed, slapping a hand over Charlie's mouth. Charlie licked it, making Nick pull his hand back in disgust. 

Charlie laughed harder then sighed, "I just can't believe this."

"What?" Nick asked, rolling over to look at his boyfriend. 

"That I have you, and this perfect life and this perfect boyfriend and new friends and I starred in a movie." 

"Yeah. It's surreal." Nick agrees. 

"I really just... never want it to end."

"We're leaving for a week long trip to Paris tomorrow and you're thinking about us breaking up?"

"No, obviously not." Charlie says. "I just think about my life and I can't wait to live with you and have dogs and a cat and get married and maybe have a little Nelson running around." 

"You want to take my name?"


"I don't know, I think Nicholas Spring has a nice ring to it." 

Charlie waves his hands in the air like SpongeBob doing the imagination meme,  "Nick Spring. You know what? I like it." 

"Me too." 

After a bit more talking, the pair drifted off to sleep, cozy in each other's arms. They did get up for their 6 am alarm after hitting snooze twice.

Charlie rolled onto the floor, making Nick laugh. 

"Come on Char, we gotta get up and showered." 

"M'don't wanna." Charlie grumbled, snuggling back into the covers on the floor. 

"Come on." Nick says, picking Charlie up bridal style. 

Nick and (a very grumpy) Charlie get showered and dressed and go over the Paris packing list. 

"Nick, we've got everything." Charlie mumbles from the sofa.

"Fine, fine. Geez you are not a morning person." Nick writes a quick note for his mom, who was so kindly dog sitting for him. "Come on grumpy pants let's go." 

They load their bags into the car and head to the airport. Nick parks in the long-term lot and looks over at Charlie, who had fallen back asleep. 

"Char." Nick shakes him. "Come on, we're here." 

"Alright, I'm up." 

Nick laughs. "You left a drool smudge on the window." Charlie wipes it off with the sleeve of his sweater. 

With TSA moving relatively quickly, they got to their gate, N19, and sat down. 


"Yeah?" Charlie responded, sipping on a mocha latte. 

"You are NOT nice in the mornings." 

"Yeah, I know." 

"You know?"

"Nick, Tao woke me up for an interview once before my alarm and I threw my alarm clock at him. It took a lot of apologizing and a week for the bruise on his arm to go away." 

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