Chapter Fourteen

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Songs: Change My Mind- One Direction and How You Get The Girl- Taylor Swift

Nick got out of the shower soon after Charlie got back upstairs. He sat on Charlie's bed, his shoulders sad and droopy. Charlie handed him the glass of water and sat down.


"Wait, can I talk first?" Nick asks. Charlie nods.

"I am so so so sorry. I just...I was trying to be nice. She asked me to go get her a fucking grape juice and I did and when I shut the door, she kissed me in the hallway. I was too shocked to even say or do anything and it didn't really click into reality until you caught us...caught me." Nick can feel new tears forming. 

"Char, these past three weeks have been hell for me. We were only together for two months, I know, but I feel like I found someone that just gets me and I fucked up so bad. I need you and I miss you so much. And if this is it, I just need that closure but I want to fight for you and for us." 

Nick continues, "I know I have a lot to learn about being in a gay relationship, but I am trying and I want you and only you.", he finishes. 

Charlie watches Nick with a guarded expression. 

"Nick, I know she kissed you. Tara told me." 

"She did?" Nick questions. 

Charlie nods, "I didn't want to believe her, I let my own stupid beliefs get in the way. I miss you so much it hurts. But you didn't really believe me when I outright told you she was flirting with you. And I was right and I'm not always right but that hurt to see her kissing you when you kind of just brushed my observations off. And when I saw that, I just assumed you were exactly who I thought you were when we first met and it stung". Now Charlie was crying too. 

"Can I hug you?" Nick asks gently.

Charlie nods and Nick wraps his arms around Charlie, holding him like he never wanted to let him go again, breathing in the scent of Charlie's perfume. 

"I needed you Nick. I still do." Charlie says, sniffling.

"I need you too, Char." Nick says, also crying. "I'll always believe you from now on, okay?" Charlie holds onto the back of Nick's shirt with an iron tight grip.

"Charlie?" Nick sniffs.


"Can we please be boyfriends again?" 

"Okay." Charlie agrees, holding Nick tightly. 

"Can I kiss you, Char?"

Charlie pulls back and nods, keeping eye contact with Nick. 

Nick kisses Charlie lightly at first and slowly deepens it, pulling Charlie into his lap. 


"Yeah?" Nick leans back, staring at Charlie.

"I just wanna kiss for now." Charlie says, watching Nick's expression.

Nick smiles, "That's okay, I can work with that." He can see the glimmer of doubt in Charlie's eyes. 

"Char, I only want to kiss you, I promise. For the rest of my life, if you'll have me."

"You could have anyone in the world Nick, literally anyone. Why me?"

"Because you're special and I know it's hard to believe me but I need you to know that my life is way better because I met you. I'll keep repeating this until you believe me. I don't care what the media says or what my mates say. You are the kindest, most thoughtful and caring and amazing person in the whole world. If you really want to break up, I'd respect that decision but I want us to be together." 

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