Epilogue Three- After All

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Nick and Charlie, now respectively 61 and 59, relaxed on their porch, lazing around in the afternoon sun. 

"You know Annie and her kids will be here any minute, shouldn't we go inside and clean up?" Charlie said, keeping his eyes closed. 

Nick opened one eye and peeked at his husband. "Um, no, they come over all the time, they don't care. Plus it's Caroline and Henry that make the mess anyways." 

Charlie hummed in agreement. "They're only five, Nick. And don't act like you don't spoil them rotten. Annie keeps telling you to quit buying them new toys. Remember how pissed she got when you bought Hen the drum set for Christmas?" 

Nick laughed out loud, "That was so funny though. Payback for her trumpet phase. I'm still mad at Darcy for suggesting that." 

Nick and Charlie had stayed close with their friends. In fact, they were having them all over for their annual wedding anniversary party. 

Nick mumbled but was smiling. 

"Maybe getting old has made you crochety." Charlie suggested. 

"What on earth does that mean?"

"It means that you don't like messes and blame the grandkids for said messes but you don't complain directly to them but rather about them." 


"Dads!" The couple heard their daughter call out. Their daughter and her husband, Cory, were walking across the lawn tugging five year olds Carie and Henry along. 

After living in Kent for 15 years, the couple had moved out to the countryside. Nick retired from acting and Charlie had taken up being a music teacher at the school in town. 

Nick stood up, "Hi, my love, how are you?"

Annie sat the bags down, "Oh, you know. The usual."

"Cory." Nick said, shaking Annie's husband's hand. 

"Hi, Mr. and Mr. Spring." 

"Oh for the thousandth time, call us Nick and Charlie." Charlie called from his chair.

"Not gonna get up to greet your favorite child?" Annie asked, giving her dad a kiss on the cheek. 

"You're my only child." Charlie said. 

"Which makes me the favorite." Annie countered. 

"ARE YOU BITCHES READY TO PARTY?" Nick heard a shout from across the yard. 

"And that would be Darcy." Nick grouched. 

"Crochety." Charlie snickered. 

"Oh hush." 

"Mommy-" Carie said, pulling on her mother's sleeve, "what's bitches?"

Annie sighed and looked up at the sky, "Go ask your father." 

Carie ran off to do just that. 

"Darcy, grandkids!" Tara reminded her. 

"Oh, sorry. How's it going Spring cleaning?" Darcy asked. 

Charlie rolled his eyes but smiled, "Here come Elle and Tao. And Tori and Michael." 

The respective couples stepped up onto the porch. Charlie got up to greet them and to go say hello to his niece. Tao and Elle had also chosen to adopt, a little girl who they named Violetta Nicole Xu-Argent. 

"There's my favorite niece." Charlie said, approaching his sixteen year old niece. 

Violetta rolled her eyes before walking inside, "Whatever." 

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