Chapter Seventeen

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It started off as a normal day on set and two weeks before Charlie and Nick were set to leave for Paris. It was 12 pm when Elle made an announcement. 

"EVERYONE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE!" Everyone stopped talking and looked at Elle. "We have five, yes FIVE more scenes to shoot. We're near the end. Filming this has been so so amazing. So lets get started!" Everyone began buzzing around to certain places. 

"Alright! Charlie, Nick, to the ballroom, please. Extras, gather round!" The people gather in the ballroom set. Elle perches in her chair and yells ACTION! 

Nick looks Charlie in the eyes, "I love you, Joseph. More than Angela. More than anyone. I LOVE YOU!" All the extras turn to them and begin to whisper, all of them letting out a fake shocked gasp when Lord Croft kisses Lord Herbacher. The extras let a silence wash over them when the woman playing Queen Maria, named Olivia Hardy, sweeps in angrily. 

"What is this!" She yells.

"Your majesty," Nick and Charlie both bow gracefully, Nick speaking first, "I love this man. With all my heart." Nick turns to the woman playing Angela and says, "I'm sorry Angela." 

She nods, "It's okay Seb. I knew." 

Nick's face turns to surprise, "You-you knew?" 

She laughs, "Of course! No man enjoys looking at tomatoes at midnight so I followed you to the greenhouse and saw you." 

"You didn't say anything?" Nick says quietly. 

Angela walks up to him and looks at Nick with tears in her eyes, taking his hands. "I am not one to move in the way of true love." She hugs him tightly. 

"Angie, I-" Nick starts but is quickly cut off. "No. We will talk in the morning." 

Nick nods, turning back to Queen Maria.

"Lord Croft, Lord Herbacher. I must remove your titles. You may keep your lands and businesses. This adultery and... sin, cannot go unpunished." She says, her voice tight. 

"Yes, your majesty." 

The queen holds her hands in front of her dress in a stately manner. "I understand true love, if you are certain that that is what this is. I had it once as well." 


"Don't give up." Queen Maria says. 

"Yes, ma'am." 

She nods at them both and exits, her ladies following close behind. 

"SCENE!" Elle hollers.

Everyone scatters off again and Nick and Charlie go off to watch the scene on the camera. 

"ALRIGHT! We will reconvene tomorrow!" Elle yells. 

The rest of the week consists of redoing scenes, completing the last four scenes and a lot of editing. Finally, the movie was finished and ready for a release date. 

Elle sighs, thinking. "Ummm, November 8th?" 

"Too soon." James says and Isaac nods in agreement.

"December 16th?" 

James and Isaac look at each other. "Perfect." 

The trio exits the reading room and wait for everyone to give them their attention. 

"Okay, happy Friday everyone. We have a few announcements to make." Everyone watches them in anticipation. 

"Firstly, happy birthday Nick!" The crowd applauds and Nick's face turns red.

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