2. The Rush

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"We have one on the loose!" The guard shouted from behind me as my feet pounded against the soft earth, running into field with all my might.

Being stuck for years in the same spot can eat at someone who wants freedom, for I am not a pet.

I let my wolf come forward shredding what ruined clothes I had on behind, my amber brown colored fur shining under the warm sun. This is what makes someone feel alive, I feel light as a feather as the wind carries me down from the field into the woods. Jumping over the foliage laying on the ground, stopping as I hit a stream.

It's been so long since I shifted I remember the first time I did it was painful I was all alone up in the attic, scared.

Leaning down I get a quick drink of the cold liquid before walking around farther into the woods, watching the leaves twirling and dancing against there branches. The air smelt sweet and earthy, bringing a sense of tranquility.

A crack from behind me snaps me out of my thoughts, ive been out here for a couple hours the sun was shying away a bit. I got up from my spot and sprinted, the cracks behind me became very quick making me pick up my pace.

My heart was beating like a humming birds wings, as I to did not want to be caught. It was too late, I came crashing down as a large wolf blowed into my side making me roll across the grass.

My eyes connected with gold glowing eyes of a large black wolf, he growled walking over to me. I could feel the power waving off of him, he must be higher rank.

I stood keeping my back turned away from him, slowly backing up which was already making him grow more irritated. He wanted submission, and submission he will not receive.

Making a quick one, I sprinted off faster than before him hot on my trail. I quickly leaped over a log hearing his footsteps come to a hault, stopping to look around before making eye contact with me I known what I've done.

I'm not longer in his pack territory, I am free finally. He growled and let out a howl kicking grass up with his hind paw.

Night fall greeted me as I slowly walked through the forest, shivering as the wind rushes through my fur to my malnourished bones. The smell of rain is becoming strong before it washes away todays' gains and loses. I'm tired last thing I want is to sleep, but my adrenaline has drained leaving me with my barely existing energy.

I laid down close to a tree stump as I could, after not being able to find a decent shelter to sleep in. Laying my head down on my paws shutting my eyes, I shiver endlessly as droplets start covering my coat I can't shake the sleep anymore it wash over me into a warm blissful dream.

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