11. Meeting of temptation

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  Seated next to Adonis, the atmosphere was tense as he diligently sorted through papers.

Feeling a wave of nervousness washing over me, I absentmindedly picked at the edges of the gauze wrapped around my injured hand.

  Sensing my unease, Adonis looked over at me and offered a reassuring smile.

"Don't show you're nervous," he whispered softly, his hand reaching out to cover mine discreetly under the table.

  I felt a sense of calmness wash over me at his touch, and I nodded in silent agreement.

Taking his advice to heart, I straightened my posture and focused my attention on the task at hand.

  With Adonis by my side, I felt more confident and capable of handling the situation. His subtle gesture of support gave me the strength I needed to face this meeting.

Adonis Beta, accompanied by a gentleman whom I had not yet been formally introduced to, approached me with a sense of purpose.

Adonis extended a gracious gesture towards me, stating, "Hello, Rune. This is Abby; she will be joining us."

As I exchanged glances with Rune, his gentle smile momentarily illuminated his features, before our attention was diverted by the entrance of another individual.

The newcomer exuded a pleasant aroma, possessing a sturdy stature and captivating blue eyes that seemed familiar as he settled into a seat across from us.

A palpable silence enveloped the room, punctuated only by the arrival of a tall, dark-haired man whose piercing emerald eyes locked onto mine, causing my breath to catch in my throat.

  The intensity of his gaze left an indelible impression, sparking a sense of intrigue and curiosity within me.

He had a smirk as he took a seat right in front of me.

  His scent was toxic and deadly sweet.

"Oh, my Abby Sallow, I see you didn't run that far from me," his deep, alluring voice spoke, making me shudder at the sound of his voice as he spoke my name.

"Sebastian, we didn't invite you here for this. We need to discuss you attacking one of my pack members," Adonis said, making Sebastian rest his head lazily on his hand as his eyes looked at him.

"You took what's mine. Don't you know better?" Sebastian spoke, unamused, his eyes going back to mine, putting a spell on me, making me sit still under his gaze.

I could feel his eyes piercing through mine like ice, sending chills down my spine.

Sebastian's presence alone was suffocating, his intoxicating scent clouding my senses.

  Adonis's voice cut through the tension, trying to maintain control over the situation.

His words were laced with authority, but Sebastian seemed unfazed, his smirk never faltering.

The air was thick with animosity and unspoken threats.

As Sebastian's gaze locked onto mine, it felt like time stood still. His eyes held a kind of power that made it impossible for me to look away.

I could feel myself being drawn to him against my better judgment, his magnetic pull undeniable.

It was as if he had cast a spell on me, leaving me paralyzed in his presence.

Adonis's voice snapped me out of the trance, reminding me of the danger that Sebastian posed.

Despite the fear creeping in, there was a twisted excitement bubbling under the surface.

I knew that facing Sebastian meant risking everything, but a part of me couldn't help but be intrigued by the danger he represented.

He said, "Whatever you have to say means nothing to me. Abby will be coming back with me," as he moved his hand as if I'm going to follow him, which I didn't do upon his wishes.

"I'm not going with you until you explain to me why you killed an innocent," I said. Sebastian leaned forward to me over the table.

  "I don't like when someone takes my things," he spoke with hate laced in his words.

"I'm not your toy," I said with slight disgust, turning my head away.

  Sebastian stood to his feet. "This meeting is done for. I'm not going to stop until she's back on my land," he said angrily to Adonis before looking at me one more time, leaving with his beta.

I took a deep breath, putting my hands over my face, trying to calm down my racing heartbeat.

As I lazily observed the kids frolicking in the front yard of the pack house, my mind was in a whirl.

I took a contemplative sip of my tea when a familiar hand gently rested on my shoulder.

It was Fern, my ever-supportive friend. "Hey, Abby, I knew I would find you here," she greeted as she settled down beside me.

  With a heavy heart, I confided in her, "I met my mate today." Fern's eyes widened in shock, "You met Sebastian today?" I simply nodded, feeling a pang of disappointment.

"I guess I'm not as lucky after all," I mumbled, trying to mask my emotions with a faint chuckle.

Fern nudged me gently, trying to offer words of comfort, "Don't be like that; it will always work out in the end."

Despite her efforts to console me, my mind was lost in a haze of uncertainty and doubt.

After a few moments of contemplative silence, I shared with Fern, "He wanted me to go with him." Fern responded by inquiring, "Did you want to go with him?"

I pondered her question before responding quietly, "Part of me feels I should have, but the stronger impulse within me guided me to stay."

Fern expressed her concern by remarking, "Sebastian isn't a good man." As Fern departed, leaving me alone with my thoughts, I reflected on Sebastian's unsettling gaze from our encounter at the edge of the forest.

  Overwhelmed by conflicting emotions, I stood up, prompting Icarus, who had patiently waited on the bench, to rise without uttering a word.

I gestured for him to stay and reassured, "I'll see you tomorrow," as I retreated indoors, seeking solace in my room for the remainder of the evening.

I drew my curtains closed before I went into the bathroom.

I messed around with the shower, getting the perfect hot temperature. Undressing myself, I looked at the gauze on my hand.

'This doesn't hurt anymore, so I'm sure I can take this off,' I thought to myself, undoing it.

To my surprise, it was almost fully healed, just a pink scar left behind. I sighed as my skin touched the hot water, relaxing my muscles. Flashes of Sebastian's face haunt me behind my eyelids as I wash my hair.

'How can he seem so nonchalant about this?' I thought. His scent of sweet rain and pine haunts my mind and nostrils.

  I'm not sure how I'm going to do this.

  I don't trust him with anything he has done for me, which is the good side of me. But why do I want to dance with his devils and see who wins?

My Abusive mate [revisioned] Where stories live. Discover now