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"So what you gone do bro?" Eman asked, Eman was Zac's homeboy from back in the day, the two of them were chilling in Zac's apartment. They had just finished bringing all of Zachary's furniture in.

"Because you can't be no deadbeat ass nigga, if she really is pregnant with your kid nigga" He continued.

"Nigga I know that, but a kid bro? I'm not in no position to raise a child, I'm still trying to figure shit out for myself"

" I don't know bro, something off about shorty. Why she just now telling you she's pregnant, when you JUST decide to leave her ass" Said Eman.

" She be on her delusional shit, I did tell her If this baby is mine, we could be together. I was always one of them nigga who always wanted to raise their children in a two- parent household" Zachary said truthfully.

" You know I mean well, when I tell you this shit bro. But I hope this ain't your baby, so you could leave shorty the fuck alone, she's no good for you nigga"

"I don't know how you stayed with Ol girl, after she cheated on you multiple times bro, couldn't be me" Eman said honestly, as he shook his head.

"Man I don't even know the answer to that question either bro, but I'm not even trying to start over with someone new. I feel like Karen is the one for me, we just have to get our shit together, well her because I'm nothing but faithful to that broad " Zac said.

Yall relationship just feels one sided bro, I hope the SAME way you talk about her, she's doing the same thing "

"Because trust me bro, it's someone out there that's not gone cheat on you, or make you feel like shit all just because you trying. " Eman added.

E was the homeboy who didn't sugarcoat anything, he'll tell you straight up how it is whether you wanted to hear it or not. Eman never liked Karen after she played in Zac's face the first time, Eman was big on loyalty.

"I hear you bro" was all Zac had to say, when it came to Zachary everything goes out one ear to the other when it came to Karen.

"Do you hear me though? Because seems like you just settling when it something else better out there for you my nigga"

" Stop trying to down play my girlfriend bro, I'm gone marry her one day, and I'm gone prove all you niggas wrong, she's not who you think she is, regardless if she cheated"

"If she really loved you bro, she WOUDN'T be out here cheating on you, and that's a fact but whatever you say nigga"

"I don't expect you to understand why I chose to hold on to her because your ass is single"

"I'm single nigga because I know my worth, and if a bitch cheat on me ain't no coming back from that. She couldn't even give you a reason why she cheated on you the second time motherfucker, and this third time she give you a fucking STD bro"

"But because you pussy whip nigga, you just see through all the shit she puts you through, and what makes it worse nigga she try to paint you out to be a cheating ass nigga just to make herself feel good"

"Aight bro" Zachary said, he didn't want this conversation about Karen to carry on, but deep down inside he knew Eman was right, but Karen was his first love.

"Don't "aight bro" me nigga, listening to what the fuck I'm saying, don't take that girl back just because she's pregnant, stand on your shit, and stop being so fucking pussy nigga"

" I said aight bro, what the fuck you're still going for, I hear you nigga, let me figure my own shit out" Zac said.

" Aight nigga" Eman said, standing up. "I got a date night with the lady, I'll catch you later folks and make sure you think about what i said"

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