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"She can't fucking have that" Ian yelled, as he snatched the PB&J sandwich out of Morgan hands. Unaware to Morgan and Ian Indigo already fed Izzy a small piece of his sandwich.

"Ian what the fuck is your problem? How the fuck am I supposed to know that?" Morgan yelled back at him.

" Did she eat anything of that?" Ian asked her curiously, Izzy was allergic to peanut butter that why Fatima was always on Danni, Ian and her parents about what she eats.

Ian was paying to much attention to Morgan, he didn't notice that Izzy was breaking out in hives, she started coughing making Ian turn his attention back on her. Izzy was having trouble breathing.

" You have to be fucking kidding me, you give her fucking peanut butter she can't fucking have that, Fatima going to fucking kill me" He yelled again, grabbing Izzy out the high chair, rushing her into the living room where her things was, he tossed through her bag looking for her EPI pen but couldn't find it.

"Why didn't you tell me that, like ian this all could have been prev-" Morgan try to say but Ian cut her words short.

"Morgan shut the fuck up" He hollered frustrated. "I knew this was a bad idea, I should have just stayed at the fucking hotel, like I plan on doing in the first beginning"

"I'm sorry daddy" Indigo say coming out the kitchen into the living with his head low.

" It's alright buddy" Ian said.

He rushed to put Izzy things on as he rushed to get her to the ER, luckily Morgan only stayed five minutes away.

They made it to the hospital and Izzy was immediately taking to the back, the doctor informed him to stay out in the waiting area, while they worked on Izzy.

"Is you going to call her mother?" Morgan asked him, as Diggie was crawled up in her arms sleeping.

"Call her mother?" Ian said snapped his neck in Morgan's direction. " Morgan do you ever think before you speak?"

"You know what fuck you ian, I'm literally done with you being disrespectful to me, it's not my fault you was being irresponsible not watching your fucking daughter" She screamed, luckily it was only the them three in that waiting room.

" None of this would have fucking happen, if you would have just let me take my son with me, so don't even go there with me" He said.

" At the end of the day, you need to bring this situation to her mother, she could of die in our care ian"

"Don't fucking put death on my daughters fucking name Morgan, you pissing me off with the little shit you be doing, cut the shit forreal"

"You mad at the wrong person, why marry me if you just gone treat me like shit?" Morgan said on the verge of tears.

"I been nothing but good to you, and you treat me like I'm just some bitch out on the street, I am your WIFE, your CHILD MOTHER, start treating me with some respect or me and you is done!"

" I am fucking dying Morgan, you think I give a shit about anything you saying right now? I fucking don't, be done for all I fucking care" Ian said lastly before walking out the waiting room , Morgan sat there in silence as tears ran down her face.

Meanwhile... Fatima had pulled up to the location that Zac sent her, not thinking too much of it when she finally pulled in, she laughed in her head as she founded a parking spot.

She gather her things and got out the car, Zac was waiting at the door for her, "if it ain't miss bougie thing " Zac said smiling at her, Fatima smiled back, shaking her head.

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