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"I don't appreciate how you came for me yesterday, you was on some nut shit" Richard said, grabbing Kasai overnight bag from Jaycee.

"I've already apologized, you need to let that go." Jaycee said, as she aggressively rolled her eyes at him. 

"Yo" He laughed at her, "what's your problem with me? You came crazy at me, it wasn't the other way around shordy "

" I don't have a problem with you, I just want the best for my nephew, we have a schedule over here. I understand he's your son but we can't have him thinking having bad behavior is supposed to be rewarded" 

"He was not listening yesterday to me or his teacher, he was acting out, and that's not okay, you made it seem like his behavior was acceptable and I was just supposed to let him go and have fun, that was not happening. " Jaycee adds

"And I agree, but you saying all that shit, saying I don't know nun about being a father, was some bitter, fuck shit you think I wanted shit to turn out this way?" He questioned, giving her an awkward look.

Jaycee took a deep breath before responding to him, " Do you want another apology? I already said I was sorry what's the reason for you to keep bring that up for?"

" Nah shordy keep that sorry ass apology , just watch what you say. You don't know the shit I had to go through, don't throw no sensitive shit in my face, that's all I'm saying" Richard scolded, before she had the chance to respond to him Kasai interrupted.

"I'm done auntie " Kasai said running to the front door, after coming from using the bathroom.

"Did you wash your hands?" Jaycee asked and Kasai nodded, Jaycee got down to eye level with him and fixed him up some. "I'll see you tomorrow" Jaycee says sweetly, kissing his forehead, he wrapped his hands around her neck tight.

Richard looked at them in adornment, after they shared a moment, Jaycee stood up. This will be Kasai first night alone with Richard.

"He needs to be at school at nine am, nine - fifteen  am the latest , he can have 45 minutes of screen time, if you need anything you could give me a call" Jaycee told him.

"Cool I got it, you ready lil homie?" Richard asked holding his hand out so Kasai could grab it, but he was a little iffy about it at first . After locking eyes with his auntie, Kasai grabbed his hand.

"I love you buddy" Jaycee yelled out, as they walked down the walkway, "I love you too auntie " Kasai yelled back, shortly after Richard and Kasai were gone, Jaycee had closed the front door and took a deep breath, praying Kasai was in the best hands.

Fatima already had her family run a background check on Richard, he checked out. But something about Richard was a little off to Jaycee but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

Meanwhile over in Los Angeles .. "Ay look bro, I just pulled up to my daughter's school, let me grab her and then I'll make my way over to shop to see what's wrong with yo ride" Zachary said over the phone. " Ight bro see you in a bit then " Zachary customer said, the phone call ended and Zachary got out the car.

Izzy was too busy playing in the front yard she didn't even see Zachary. "Mr. Taylor it's good to see you " Ms. Love said handing Zachary the sign out paper, "It's good to see you as well, you enjoyed your vacation?" He asked. "Sure did, it's was amazing" She said sweetly.

"I did want to talk to you though Mr Taylor, about Izzy." She said, and Zachary poked his lip out.

"No, No. she's a good kid, amazing actually but someone been around the school premises, talking to her. I asked did she know him, she said he was a friend of her mothers"

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