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"His little ass is in here sneaking on that damn phone" Shaun yelled, lifting Karens iPhone in the air. Shaun was Karen boyfriend, who she's been with for a year now. Karen just had gotten out the shower, going into the bedroom..

After Richard had find out that Kasai wasn't his, he wanted absolutely nothing to do with Karen, ever since then Karen hasn't seen or heard from him.

"Mommy, I just wanted to call my daddy" Kasai teared up. "We already told you no phone privileges. That includes talking on the phone with your father, Go to bed Sai" Karen said, as she rolled her eyes, grabbing the lotion off the dresser. She was irritated.

"But mommy" Kasai whined,  Karen had give Kasai that look and Kasai try to run past Shaun but he snatched him up by his arms before he could make out the room.

"What is you doing?" Karen said looking at Shaun in confusion "Nah, see this why this little nigga so fucking bad. He lack discipline like a motherfucker" Shaun spat.

"You told him no phone privileges because he was acting the fuck up earlier , but then he took it upon himself to sneak his ass in here and use the phone anyways."

"Probably in the closet watching Youtube or some shit. What do you do about it? Nothing," Shaun said.

"You just heard him say, he was trying to call his fa-" Karen tried to say but Shaun had cut her words short.

"I don't give a fuck" Shaun urged firmly as he lifted Kasai's arm up in the air and landed four hard slaps to Kasai's butt. POP! POP! POP! POP!

Kasai filled the room with his loud screams, "Now take yo ass to bed little nigga" Shaun said stern letting him go, and Kasai run off to his room, slamming the door.

Shaun immediately ran off going into Kasais room, "You slamming doors now ?" Shaun raised his Voice.

"I didn't mean to slam it" Kasai cried out, Shaun gripped Kasai up, and throw him on the bed. "Go the fuck to bed, and don't make me come back in here" Shuan said cutting off the light, closing Kasai door behind him. Kasai lay in his bed, rocking back and forth calling out Zachary's name as he cried himself to sleep.

Karen was putting lotion on her body, She didn't know if Shauns parenting was right or wrong, but she was willing to give it a try, but sometimes he did the most. But it was no being rational with him.

Being a single mother is something I'll never wish on my worst enemy. Zachary just up and left me and his son in Atlanta all because his new bitch had a baby, but he swears up and down that I'm the problem.

I been raising Kasai for on-going 4 years by MYSELF, while Zachary comes and go as he please, granted he does see Kasai, when he's in Atlanta. But that's just not enough. Kasai wasn't a bad kid, he act like any other kid would act.

Karen was deep in her thoughts, until Shaun made his appearance back into her room. She snapped out of her trance.

" You didn't have to hit him like that Shaun" Karen said, "I don't need him running to his father telling him you're putting your hands on him, his father is extra and I don't need that stress"

"Well that little fucker don't listen, you just let him think he run shit around here, and he don't" Said Shaun.

Karen just took a deep breath, and Shaun left out the room, at the same time Zachary was calling her back.

"Yes Zac" Karen said answering his phone call, "You don't have to answer the phone like that, you called me, but it's don't matter.. where is my son I'm about to come grab him" Zachary said.

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