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Over in Atlanta, Richard was dropping things off for Kasai, Jaycee was complaining that Kasai was growing out of everything, so Richard ended up spending his Sunday afternoon shopping for Kasai, getting him everything he needed.

"Listen, the school need to update his file, they telling me he don't have no paperwork on file, such as medical records, his birth certificate and social security card " Richard explained to Jaycee.

"I'm pretty sure Karen has all that information, she was the one who got him in enrolled into that school, but let me call my brother and see" Jaycee says.

"Goodlooking out, I'll just wait in the car. No rush" Richard said.

"You're not a stranger Richard, you're more than welcome to come in." Said Jaycee, as she chuckled at him. Richard made his way in.

Kasai was currently in his room on FaceTime with Zamaris.

"Make yourself at home, there's water or juice in the refrigerator, I left my phone downstairs I'll be right back" Jaycee said, and Richard nodded his head as he took a seat on the couch.

"Damn this shit soft as fuck" He thought in his head, as he sank into the couch. He was impressed by the lay out of the home, he just knew they had money the long way.

Pulling his phone out his pocket, A Lanai was calling him, he looked around before answering her call.

"Has she run away before?" The police officer asked Zachary, and if looks could kill, officer Bred would have been dead.

Zachary's phone went off with Jaycee calling him, he silenced her call, hoping it wasn't anything Important.

"She's fucking five! What five year old would run the fuck away?" Zachary spat with venom, officers always had a way of asking stupidity questions.

"Yo bro chill out" A Chris said, patting Zachary on his shoulder, this situation could either go one or two ways, the way Zachary's temper was set up.

"Don't tell me to chill out bro, we talking about my daughter here, he asking me dumb ass questions, like my child would really run the fuck away at five years old " Zachary scolded.

"Relax young man , I'm just trying to help you out." The officer raised his voice some.

"HELP ME?" Zachary let out a dramatic outburst, "you haven't even asked me anything that's important, like what was she wearing, is there's cameras in this motherfucker, what's her fucking name..." He paused and then took a deep breath.

"BUT if it was a white little bitch missing, then y'all would have be fucking on it, having swat teams and shit" Zachary expressed, he didn't mean for "little bitch" to slip out, but he was angry.

Chris grabbed Zachary and backed him up off in the corner to calm him down . "Bro I already know the feeling, but you need to relax. Those cops will shoot your ass and not give a fucking care in this world" Chris said.

"I knew I should of went with my first instinct, I told my girl, I didn't want her here, but I didn't want her feel like I'm overstepping" He voiced truthfully, wiping the tears that fallen. Jaycee called his phone for the second time.

"Answer your phone bro, it could be something important" Chris said, but Zachary couldn't bring himself to do it, he would have to explain Jaycee everything that was going on, and knowing Jaycee, he couldn't do that to his baby sister.

"He's not answering, but whenever he calls me back, I'll give you a call" Jaycee said returning back upstairs to Richard.

"It's cool, if Karen got the information I need I'll just slide over her way. Goodlooks though" he said, standing to his feet.

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