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"I don't give a fuck about how you feel, or what the fuck is wrong with you. You had my child around a bitch I did not know, on top of that you let your son feed my daughter some shit she was allergic too because you was not paying attention to her!" Fatima snapped out on Ian, outside of Izzy's daycare.

Today was Wednesday, 2 weeks have gone by since the last time ian had seen Izzy, he's been pulling up to Izzy daycare to see her but in the past 2 weeks Fatima has switched up her routine, throwing ian of track. If he knew one thing, he knew not to pull up to her home.

Today she had to pick Izzy up at her normal time since her work meeting had ran over. That's how ian caught her this time.

"Where the fuck was you at, when all this was happening?" She asked him.

"Fatima I thought we was passed this situation, all I want to do is see my fucking daughter, why is you making shit so complicated" He said to her.

"Ian please just get the fuck out my face, the fact you think not telling me my child was in the hospital was okay, is fucking nonsense"

"Because it's not that fucking big of a deal Fatima, you're tripping for nothing. She's good. I got her to the ER in time"

"Ian it is a fucking big deal, SHE COULD OF FUCKING DIE NIGGA" She yelled at him, "Yes you did the right thing by taking her to the hospital, the next RIGHT thing to fucking do was to tell her fucking mother!" She scolded him.

"I'm calling and texting you and you're not responding to me, that's wrong as fuck! half of the shit you do, I'll never do no shit like that to you" She continued.

" I'm fucking sorry Fatima, I'm sorry damn how many times do I need to apologize, I'm sorry" Ian shouted.

"Either you gone let him see Izzy or not, if not Ian come on bro, we don't got time to be playing these games with her" Miracle said, rolling down her window.

"Get your sister Ian, because the way I'm feeling,  I'll fuck her ass up! Y'all just keep trying to me, and when I spazz out y'all wanna call me crazy"

"Fuck who up?" Miracle said getting out the car, "Miracle get the fuck back in the car, doing too much right now" Ian spat at her. Miracle did as told.

Fatima just walked away, and went inside to grab Izzy, after about 5 minutes later she came back outside with Izzy, Ian was still in the parking lot.

" Ma-ma nuggies" Izzy said, Fatima smiled at her daughter, her words were getting clear and Fatima was so proud of all of Izzy's milestones " you want nuggets mommies?" Fatima asked her and Izzy used her hands to say yes.

"Fatima could I please just take my daughter for a couple hours, that's all I ask of you" Ian begged.

"Ian get the fuck out my face" Fatima said, as she strapped Izzy into her car seat. "When I take her to see your mother tomorrow, you could see her then, until now I'm not comfortable with her being with you alone" She said.

"That my child too Fatima, you can't keep her from away from me, I'm not trying to bring the law into this but you're fucking testing me" Ian said stern.

" Nigga get the law involved, I don't give a fuck! All that's gone prove is how fucking unfit your
dumb ass is " She said getting into her truck, before Ian could say other word, she speeded off. He dropped his hands in frustration.

"You just be letting her treat you any type of way" Miracle said, as Ian got back into his car.

"Miracle, you just shut the fuck up & mind your business none of this fucking concerns you, shut up."

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