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"That bitch? Excuse me?" Fatima said becoming pissed off, for various reasons.

She was two seconds away from putting the Unknown person head through Cameron's car door window, but the only thing that was stopping her was Izzy.

"For one she ain't no bitch" Cameron said putting Izzy into the car, "Secondly watch yo mouth around my god daughter, you tripping out. "

"Like what you on? You stalking me?" Cameron asked confused, shutting Izzy's door after strapping her in.

"Cameron who is this bitch? I'm not for the games right now, I called and texted you way too many times I pull up to see you coming out some place with a bitch and a kid in your hand. " The Unknown woman spat.

"Cameron you better get her before I do, I'm not gone be too many more bitches, I'll tell you that" Fatima said, sternly. Walking up to Lori and Cameron stepped in front of her.

"Lori chill out!! You can't be on that ghetto shit, you being way too disrespectful right now jit and I'm not going for that shit, chill out"

"Lori, Fatima, Fatima, Lori" Cameron introduced the two. "This is my goddaughters mother I was telling you about couple days ago, wasn't nobody ignoring yo shit, my phone died"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come at you like that, I just thought he was doing something he had no business doing" Lori said, checking her demeanor.

" Now you know that could have ended real bad for you" Said Fatima.

"For who?" Lori questioned with a scrunched up face expression.

"Can yall not, I thought we was fine, the drama ain't even necessarily, Lori go get in the car, I'll meet you at home" Cameron said, becoming irritated.

" T, I'll see you and my Goddaughter on Wednesday, call me if you need anything" Cameron added, and Fatima nodded, Cameron walked away and Fatima got in her car and left.

"This the shit I be talking about, you be acting crazy that shit not cool Lorraine " Cameron says referring to Lori but her full name

"Man nigga please, you haven't been home in two days, what the hell was I supposed to think Cameron?"

"This is the exact reason why I haven't been home, because you do stupid shit like this all the time, always wanna do the arguing nobody got time for that shit"

"Being disrespectful in front of my goddaughter is fucking Insane, you wouldn't want nobody coming crazy at you in front of our child, so why the fuck would you be on that timing with somebody else"

"You like her don't you?" Lori asked, and Cameron blew his breath out in frustration.

"What the fuck Lori? Where the fuck you get that from? That's like my fucking sister, them hormones got you tripping bad , saying crazy, dumb shit" Cameron said.

"I'll see you at home" He said walking away, not giving Lori a chance to say anything else. She leaned against the car door taking deep breaths.

After about a 15 minute drive, Fatima picked up Zamaris from Mrs. Ruth house, and then the three of them headed home, which was only about 10 minute drive.

"Shoes off my carpet Sevyn" Fatima said softly, but Stern. "Sorry mommy" Zamaris said, taking his shoes off. Then running off to his room to put his shoes up.

"Mommy where is daddy? He's not here" Izzy said becoming upset. "Mommies, daddy will be home tomorrow, go put your stuff in your room" Fatima says and Izzy did as she was told.

"Alexa, play" Fatima called out, and Fatima's playlist played while she prepared dinner, Izzy came back downstairs to help.

"I can't lose, when I'm with you, how can I snooze and miss the moment" Izzy sung along to the lyrics, Snooze by Sza were the two favorite song at the moment.

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