Chapter 15 - 16

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Chapter 15 Declaration of War

The administrator's fierce rush to stir up the atmosphere in a timely manner was a wonderful timing.

"Baby, this is the first battle in our 56789 live broadcast room. What are you waiting for? Let the marshal see you! Take out all the tickets in your hands, the marshal needs you!" At the same time, this

paragraph The public screen was refreshed five times in a row.

The name of "Running Fire" is so popular, but she is actually a girl. When she first met Zhen Shuai, he was dark and thin, which did not suit girls' aesthetics, but she just found him a good match. Later, she stayed in Zhen Shuai's live broadcast room and became an administrator.

She sat in front of the computer, slowly drinking milk tea, and her eyes unconsciously fell on the name "004" again. She discovered a few days ago that the administrator with the nickname 004 should be very good at computers and extremely fast. Whenever there are anti-fans or trolls in the live broadcast room, he can always kick them in time. Sometimes she doesn't even realize it. She admires 004 very much and is also very curious. In the past few days, the two of them have reached a tacit understanding without any deliberate communication. She is responsible for receiving VIPs, arranging the order of wheat, canvassing votes, and occasionally asking for gifts for the host. 004 is responsible for maintaining order in the live broadcast room. When trolls and black fans are discovered, , or kick people if they curse too harshly. Zhen Shuai's live broadcast room is now quite clean.

"Commander, 004 is so awesome. Where did you find the master? We have him in the live broadcast room, even more powerful than a tiger." Liehuo Kuangben couldn't help but send a private message to Zhen Shuai, and received a very subtle smile from Zhen Shuai

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It’s time for Zhen Shuai to take a stand.

He picked up the microphone and said loudly: "Brothers and sisters, I am not afraid of a battle! Because I have confidence; because I have you! Friends, old and new, tell me, will you be with me?" Two

people This sentence aroused the fighting spirit of fans, and they were so excited that they left messages expressing their support for the anchor.

"Yes, it's necessary! Come on, Commander!"

"Call the host, half of my pocket money is ready." "

Anchor, host, please accept the money from selling my kidney."

"My big knife and fork are so hungry that I can't stand it anymore ~~~~"

Silence said: "Commander, there is no need to put too much pressure, just perform normally and leave the rest to me."

[Country] Crazy Racing: Silence, do you think we are dead? Commander, I'm optimistic about you, come on.

【国】小兰娜: This game is interesting, I like it. The funds are ready and waiting for the war to begin.

[Country] The stars are twinkling: Be optimistic about the commander-in-chief.

【国】Relax: I’ve been bored lately, but I finally have something interesting to do, so I’m always ready.

[Mr.] Pride: With me here, who dares to bully the commander?

[Guard] Second Ancestor: There’s me, there’s me!

"Congratulations to "Afraid of Loneliness" for being promoted to the king in the 56789 Really Handsome Live Broadcast Room!"

"Thank you to my silent brother, my crazy brother, Lan Na brother, Xingguang brother, Song brother, proud sister, second generation ancestor, and my lonely brother! "Zhen Shuai looked at the long line of nobles with high spirits and high ambitions, "I won't let you down. However, even if we have to fight, we will start from tomorrow. Every live broadcast of ours must have a perfect start and also We need to have a perfect ending, so let us welcome Silent Voice with warm applause for bringing us "Man's Song"!" Silent Silence didn't say any nonsense and started singing directly: "It's been a while since we last saw each other, and I didn't even make a phone

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