Chapter 254 - 255

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Chapter 254 Survivor Base

The three of them, Zhen Shuai, went out. The building was quiet, with no movement at all, but downstairs was not peaceful. There were the sounds of zombies roaring, the sounds of eating, and the scoldings and screams of humans and zombies fighting each other. Sounds came from time to time, and there was an element of uneasiness floating in the air.

"I'll go ahead." Su Yan said and went downstairs first. In the past two days, he had been paying attention to the movements next door, and he knew more or less about the skills of Zhen Shuai and Shen Xingdu. He is also a person with strong self-esteem and does not want Zhen Shuai and Shen Xingdu to think that he is acting with them to take advantage of them. Therefore, he intended to let Zhen Shuai and Shen Xingdu experience his skills. What's more...

when he got downstairs, Zhen Shuai saw that in the area that they had cleaned up a little, there were several more corpses on the ground that had been chewed to pieces. The zombies not far away were patrolling, but suddenly turned around and walked towards this side.

Zhen Shuai is sure that they are indeed judging the location of living people based on their sense of smell.

Two zombies quickly ran to them.

Su Yandang rushed forward first and kicked one of the zombies away a short distance. Then, holding the baseball bat tightly with both hands, he suddenly jumped up and hit the other zombie's head hard, although he failed to knock it off. It broke, but it knocked the zombie down. Before it could straighten up, Su Yan struck a second blow, hitting the zombie on the back with a stick. This time, the zombie was beaten to the ground. Su Yan took action again and cracked the zombie's head. Although it took three strikes to kill the zombie, it must be admitted that Su Yan's movements were quite neat, and it was obvious that he did have a foundation in martial arts.

At this time, the zombie that was kicked aside ran back. When it was about to reach his eyes, Su Yan suddenly bent down, like a preparation before hitting a baseball. The baseball bat swept out, aiming at the zombie's knees. The zombie stumbled and fell heavily to the ground. This created a perfect opportunity for Su Yan, and then its head was blown open by Su Yan.

Su Yan ignored whether there was a crystal core in his head and glanced at Zhen Shuai.

Zhen Shuai immediately understood what he meant and smiled back.

Shen Xingdu's eyes darkened and he held his hand.

Although Zhen Shuai was puzzled, he held his hand back and raised his lips at him.

The spectators, Qing Qing, couldn't help but laugh and commented, "Brother Dudu must be jealous."

The three of them continued walking towards the school gate and eliminated a few more zombies. There were no survivors on the road. Most of them went to the mall early in the morning, and a small number of them stayed behind. I am afraid that their current situation is not very good.

The entire journey was silent.

They quickly came to the wall. The school gate was still locked, and the rope that Zhen Shuai had tied before was still there.

Outside the fence, only one of the two off-road vehicles remained.

There are many footprints on the car body and signs of being smashed. It must have been coveted by many people. It's just that after the car was modified, the lock was not so easy to pry, so no one succeeded and could only smash it a few times out of anger.

The other car should be Han Xin's and the others drove away.

Zombies are wandering back and forth on the road. As soon as they hear the slightest sound, they immediately look around and are very sensitive.

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