Chapter 308 - 309

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Chapter 308 Find the victim [Second update]

Dai's father and Dai's mother both looked at Zhen Shuai with angry and helpless expressions.


Zhen Shuai asked the bodyguards, "Keep looking. There must be a secret room or basement here."

The bodyguards were stunned, nodded, and went back into the house to continue searching.

Chen Jinjun frowned, "Can you please stop making trouble? What secret room in the basement? If you don't leave, I will call the police! Liu Qiang, what on earth do you want to bring these people to my house? Do you want to steal something?" Liu

Qiang shuddered when he looked at his calm expression. It would be fine if Chen Jinjun was innocent. If he was not innocent, it would be terrible for someone to be so good at pretending.

"It's none of my business, I'm just leading the way." Liu Qiang spread his hands.

Zhen Shuai walked into the house and looked around every room, focusing on the kitchen and bathroom. When he came out, he looked at Chen Jinjun, who had no panic on his face, and smiled lightly, "You are indeed very smart." Chen Jinjun was still there

. Frowning, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Zhen Shuai put his hands in his pockets, "There are no women's clothes or shoes and socks in your house, and there are no women's clothes to dry on the balcony, and there are not even any clothes in the bathroom. There is not a single long hair. All these signs can show that no woman has stayed in your house."

"There is no one in the first place." Chen Jinjun said with a cold face, "Huh, you can look for it as you like. I will call the police after you finish looking. !"

Commander Zhen continued: "However, you left a fatal flaw."

Chen Jinjun moved his hands, as if he subconsciously wanted to make a fist but restrained himself.

"What's the flaw?" Liu Qiang asked curiously.

Zhen Shuai pointed to the dishes soaked in the basin, "A person who keeps the bathroom so clean, the owner seems to be a person who loves cleanliness. But this person who loves cleanliness has such a messy kitchen, and these dishes Maybe not just yesterday, but also the day before yesterday. Isn't this strange?"

Chen Jinjun finally changed his expression, suddenly turned around and ran outside.

Commander Zhen had already guarded him and kicked him. Chen Jinjun fell backwards and hit his back on the two-centimeter-high step. He groaned in pain and couldn't get up for a long time.

Dai's father rushed over and punched Chen Jinjun in the face several times, "You scumbag! Where is my daughter! Give me my daughter!" Dai's mother also rushed over and scratched Chen Jinjun fiercely, with ten nails

. There was blood in it, which showed how much strength she had used.

"You damn bastard! Go to hell!"

Zhen Shuai was horrified and quickly asked Liu Qiang to stop them.

"Stop fighting, or you will die if you fight again."

At this moment, an exclamation came from the room: "We found the basement!"

Dai's father and Dai's mother rushed in.

Zhen Shuai had no choice but to say to Liu Qiang: "Go find a rope and come here."

How could Liu Qiang not understand what was going on at this time? Looking at Chen Jinjun curled up in a ball on the ground, he sighed and found a rope in the utility room. Rope.

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