Chapter 392 - 393

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Chapter 392 New Influenza

It was inconvenient for the spirit eagle to always be called "spiritual eagle", so Shen Xingdu asked Zhen Shuai to give it a name.

Zhen Shuai thought for a long time and clapped his hands, "Since it is black and handsome, let's call it... Ling'er."

Shen Xingdu did not see the causal relationship between "Hei Shuai" and "Linger", but Zhen Shuai Just be happy.

After Ling'er became smaller, he was about the same size as a pigeon. His whole body, including his eyes, was dark, and he looked dark and cute. After looking at it for a long time, he was indeed quite cute.

From that day on, when Zhen Shuai went out, he would either bring marshmallows or Linger, and occasionally both.

Ling'er sometimes stands on Zhen Shuai's shoulders, and sometimes stands on Marshmallow's back. He likes to stay still and tease others. Because it is often mistaken for a sculpture by others, I can't help but reach out and touch it. When others want to touch it, it will suddenly fly up and scare them.

Shen Xingdu’s explanation for this is: the pet resembles the owner.

Zhen Shuai firmly refused to admit this.

Zhen Shuai stayed with Shen Xingdu for two days. That night, the two formally talked about the mission in this world for the first time.

Zhen Shuai asked Shen Xingdu about his experience in the half month after the "most expensive prank" happened.

"Did everyone really go to live underground at that time?"

Shen Xingdu nodded.

Zhen Shuai thought about it, everyone was afraid of death. Under such a global announcement, no one would doubt its authenticity, and no one would dare to stay on the ground and be hit by a meteorite.

"I didn't go underground." Shen Xingdu's words were unexpected. Zhen Shuai was startled, and he threw himself on him and pressed him hard, "Why are you so brave? What if there really is a meteor shower?" Shen Xingdu patted his butt and told

him the details.


At that time, the state took residential communities as units and organized people to take refuge in underground shopping malls or air-raid shelters. He was afraid that Zhen Shuai would not be able to find him when he came, so he deliberately avoided it. Unexpectedly, the country dispatched a helicopter team and used thermal imaging cameras to search for people on the ground. Shen Xingdu was found. In order to avoid arousing suspicion, he could only follow the troops into the air raid shelter. He was probably the only one who deliberately avoided it.

Thinking of that half month of life, Shen Xingdu still couldn't help but frown.

Zhen Shuai could imagine that life underground would definitely not be as clean and convenient as on the ground. Considering Shen Xingdu's mysophobia, it would definitely be a very bad experience.

He sighed, "I always think this is strange, but I have read a lot of newspapers and found nothing. Have you found anything?" "A little. Shuaishuai, how much do you think this house costs?

" Shen Xingdu rarely showed off his skills.

Zhen Shuai cooperated with him enthusiastically, "Longdu is the capital of the country, and this is the city center. The housing price must be high, at least 10 million. Am I right?" Shen Xingdu shook his head, "

550 Ten thousand."

Zhen Shuai straightened up in disbelief, "So cheap?"

Shen Xingdu picked up an apple and peeled it, "One more thing. The network news in the past six months has covered many aspects such as current affairs, sports, humanities, environment, etc., but there is no one Mention technology."

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