Chapter 96 - 97

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Chapter 96 Different time flow rates 


Marshmallow suddenly cried out.

Yang Fan staggered in shock, lost his balance, and threw himself at Shen Xingdu.

Zhen Shuai's face darkened.

There was a gust of wind behind Shen Xingdu. Without turning his head, he instinctively raised his hand and waved back.

Yang Fan immediately felt as if he was being held up by something, and took the opportunity to stand still. He looked around in shock, his eyes widening in fear.

Governor Shen Xing could see that Commander Zhen was unhappy, although he didn't know why. He grabbed the aerial photography drone and pushed it to the side (to avoid being in the frame; he didn't know that Zhen Shuai's live broadcast system could automatically block him), walked up to Zhen Shuai, held his hand, and looked at him questioningly.

Zhen Shuai's unhappy mood dissipated and he smiled at Shen Xingdu to show that he was fine.

Shen Xingdu let go of his hand, thought for a moment, took out the mask and put it on.

"It's okay, I can make a mosaic." Zhen Shuai helped him take off the mask.

Shen Xingdu put away the mask.

"You are too cowardly." Zhou Yunyi said to Yang Fan half-truthfully.

"Why are the marshmallows here?" Yang Fan didn't hear her words and asked suspiciously.

Zhou Yunyi asked curiously: "Isn't it always following us?"

Yang Fan said "Oh" pretending to be calm, "I didn't pay attention - it's good to have it following us."

Zhen Shuai estimated that even if Yang Fan is allowed to go back now, Yang Fan I didn't dare to walk on the mountain road alone, so I didn't say this.

"Let's go."

Zhou Yunyi and Yang Fan both turned on their flashlights. They expected that living in the village would be inconvenient, so they brought their own flashlights, which happened to be useful for this expedition.

Governor Shen Xing also has a flashlight, which was given to him by Commander Zhen.

[Xiaosi, is the air in the cave not poisonous? ]

[Don't worry, host, the air is normal. ]

"Marshmallow, lead the way." Zhen Shuai ordered to Marshmallow.

Even if Marshmallow is smart, Zhou Yunyi and Yang Fan don't think it can understand such profound commands.

Unexpectedly, Marshmallow really understood. He quickly walked to the front of the team, wagging his tail, and walked forward leisurely and leisurely.

Yang Fan looked envious. He also liked dogs and had two dogs at home, but neither of them was as smart as Marshmallow.

The cave is about three meters wide and high, and the echo of footsteps is very clear.

Yang Fan walked at the end of the team and couldn't help but look back. In fact, there was nothing behind him, and the light at the entrance of the cave was getting farther and farther.

Zhen Shuai carefully observed the cave roof, cave walls and ground, but found no trace of freshness.

[Xiao Si, remind me when we reach twenty meters. 】

【Okay. 】

Twenty meters soon arrived.

Zhen Shuai explained to the audience: "The twenty meters that the old lady said have been reached, but the cave has not reached the end. We continue to move forward." He casually glanced behind him, with a look of horror on his face

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