Chapter 146 - 147

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Chapter 146 Being cheated

While they were talking, they came to the gate with the colored steel wall.

Every three to five meters outside the colored steel wall stands a soldier wearing camouflage uniforms, holding a steel gun in his hand, standing upright, expressionless, and extremely powerful. Two brick walls were erected directly opposite the gate, and the cement was not yet dry. Outside the brick wall, a large group of reporters and people carrying long guns and cannons surrounded the building.

There are also a large number of police officers maintaining order.

Zhou Yunyi stood in the crowd with her arms crossed, looking at Zhen Shuai intently.

Zhen Shuai suddenly remembered that he had not reported the new situation in the live broadcast room to her in time, and laughed sheepishly. Oops, I've caused trouble for the agent lady again.

Zhou Yunyi smiled bitterly and shook her head helplessly. She didn't know whether it was her luck or misfortune to meet such a boss.

"Commander is out!"

"Commander Zhen is here!"

"Commander, please accept our interview!"

"Commander, how did you find the tomb under the tomb?"

"Commander, what do you think of those animal bones ? Could it be a dragon bone?"

When reporters saw Zhen Shuai, they rushed forward like a tide as if they were seeing a treasure, asking questions in a flurry. The scene was more lively than the vegetable market in the morning.

The cement wall that had not yet dried could not withstand their collision and squeezing, so the police quickly stepped forward to stop them.

"Stand back! Don't even squeeze in! Stand back!"

Zhou Yunyi gestured to a few strong men around her and signaled to Zhen Shuai.

It turns out that she had anticipated such a situation and hired help temporarily!

The big men quickly opened a passage in the crowd. Zhen Shuai quickly pulled Shen Xingdu through the crowd and went straight to their off-road vehicle parked not far away.

"Sister Zhou, let's take a step first and contact you later!"

Yang Xun did not go to the gate to join in the fun, but endured the scorching sun and kept hiding behind the bushes, staring at Zhen Shuai's car. As a dedicated reporter, how could he not recognize Zhen Shuai's car. Staring at the car is equivalent to staring at the person. Sweat dripped down from his head and covered his entire face. His white T-shirt was also wet with sweat and clung tightly to his body.

When he finally saw Zhen Shuai and Shen Xingdu appear, he rushed out ecstatically, as if he had already seen a large bonus waving to him.

"Commander, please accept my interview!"

But imagination is beautiful, reality is skinny.

Shen Xingdu turned his ear and heard the movement in the bushes. Without turning his head, he raised his hand and exerted a burst of energy on Yang Xun.

Yang Xun immediately flew out and landed on the grass. Because Shen Xingdu used clever strength, Yang Xun seemed to be supported by an invisible force and did not fall. He only staggered two steps and stabilized his body. He patted his chest in shock, and when he looked up, Zhen Shuai and Shen Xingdu had already gotten into the car, started it, and drove away in a hurry.

Zhou Yunyi gave him a friendly smile, got into her car, and drove away.

"I, I..." Yang Xun sat down on the ground, about to cry, but suddenly remembered something, his eyes lit up, "Huh?" He habitually pressed the record button when he rushed out just now, that is to say , maybe he recorded the scene just now?

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