3. The Earring

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The next day, Ruhan woke up early, feeling eager to visit the bank. As he made his way there, he noticed the sun's warm rays slowly illuminating the city's streets. The sound of birds chirping filled the air, creating a peaceful ambience. Ruhan had a sense of purpose as he approached the bank, knowing that he had important business to attend to.

Upon his arrival, Ruhan was greeted by a friendly banker who informed him that the previous manager had been transferred. He inquired about the new manager and was guided to his cabin. The door creaked as he pushed it open, revealing a spacious room with a large window that allowed sunlight to stream in. The manager, Vyankateshwar Shetty, greeted him with a warm smile, offering him a seat.

Ruhan explained that he needed to convert a large sum of Australian currency to Indian currency. The manager nodded, assuring him that his request would be granted but warned him that it would take some time. As they talked, Ruhan couldn't help but notice the manager's kind demeanour and the way he spoke with such poise and wisdom.

After completing the transaction, Ruhan was checking his phone when he bumped into a woman on the staircase. He caught her just in time, holding her by the waist to prevent her from falling. As he looked into her eyes, he was struck by how beautiful she was, and a strand of her hair falling across her face only added to her charm. He tried to tuck the hair behind her ear, but before he could, she pushed him away and ran inside the bank.

Ruhan stood there, stunned, as he watched her disappear. He noticed something shiny on the ground and picked it up to find a delicate gold earring. He knew then that it must have belonged to the woman he had just bumped into. For some reason, he couldn't bring himself to turn it into the bank. Instead, he decided to keep it, feeling drawn to the woman and hoping to see her again.

Later that day, Zroya visited the bank to withdraw money and see her father, Vyankateshwar, the manager. She walked into the bank nervously, knowing that her father would notice her missing earring. As she approached him, she could feel her heart racing. Her father noticed the missing earring and asked about it. Zroya lied, saying it had fallen off because it was loose, but in reality, she was embarrassed to tell him about the encounter with Ruhan.

Zroya had just left the bank and decided to visit a nearby library to read. She took her time scanning the shelves for a book that would capture her attention, eventually settling on a novel about a small-town girl who moved to the city to pursue her dreams. Zroya found a quiet corner near a window, allowing the natural light to illuminate the pages of her book. However, her mind kept returning to the strange encounter she had with Ruhan earlier that day.

As she read, she couldn't help but replay the interaction in her mind. Ruhan's hand on her waist made her skin crawl, and the way he brushed her flicks behind her ear was an unwelcome invasion of her personal space. She could feel his intense stare on her face, making her feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. Zroya lost her earring during the encounter, a detail that added to her unease. She had to lie to her father about what happened because she didn't want to explain the awkward situation.

Zroya's worries about what would happen if she ever saw Ruhan again consumed her thoughts. As someone with autism, she found it challenging to engage with people outside her family, and physical touch was a significant source of discomfort for her. She knew that if they met again, the situation would only become more awkward. She wondered if he would ask her why she ran away from him, but she couldn't bring herself to answer.

Despite her attempts to concentrate on her book, the memory of the encounter with Ruhan lingered in her mind, making it difficult to focus on the story. Zroya was grateful that he prevented her from falling earlier, but the whole experience was too embarrassing and uncomfortable for her to enjoy her time in the library.

The next section will be updated shortly. Please don't forget to vote for this chapter and share your thoughts on it in the comments below. Until then, take care! Thank you for reading this novel.

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