4. Something is fishy

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Ruhan parked his car and entered the haveli. He couldn't find anyone in the clinic so he went to the grand hall of the haveli. It was dark there so he switched on the lights. It was a big hall with a big chandelier hanging in the centre. The interior of the hall was a pure work of art. As soon as he reached the centre of the hall.
" Surprise." His friends said while all of them came out of their hiding spots. Just then Dadi Dadu along with Niva entered the hall.
"Oh my God! When did you arrive? Why didn't you inform me about your arrival? I would have sent a car to pick you up. God! It's been so long since we last met. I'm so happy to see you. By the way, why are you all here together? Why are you all so quiet, say something." He started ranting with excitement.
"We will say something only when you'll let us speak. You were just going on blabbering." Said Aashi.
"Oh sorry, I didn't realise. You continue." He apologized.
"So, we arrived here this morning and we didn't inform you because we wanted to surprise you. And about why we came here, I came here because Dadi called me to help her at the clinic. Aashi is here because Dadi needed an interior designer to renovate the Haveli and about Sid, I don't know." Said Vivaan.
"Hey! You both came here for work but I'm here to meet my friend, unlike you two." Said, Siddharth.
"Ok, now if you are done, can we have lunch now, I had already skipped breakfast so I'm super hungry." Said Ruhan.
"Sure, the lunch is ready." Said Niva with a chuckle.


After having lunch they sat on the lawn and chatted when Vivaan's eyes fell on Ruhan who was lost in his thoughts and had a constant smile on his face.
"Ruhan....... Ruhan....... Ruhan....... Ruhan." He called him several times.
"Haa, what happened," Ruhan replied abruptly.
"That's what I should ask, why are you so lost and you are smiling constantly? What's the matter?" He questioned.
"Uh, I was just thinking about something. It's nothing important, leave it." He replied anxiously.

Vivaan replied with an okay, but he knew that something was fishy as Ruhan had been behaving a bit weirdly from the time he returned from the bank.


At night after dinner, they sit in the living room and watch TV, that's when there comes a scene in the movie where the heroine slips and the hero holds her. Watching this a smile formed on Ruhan's face and his cheeks turned slightly pink.
"Did you just blush?" Vivaan almost screamed with astonishment.
"What! No not at all." Ruhan said in his defence.
"Yes you did, don't lie, I saw it...... I saw it guys. He just blushed watching that scene." Vivaan protested.
"No, it's nothing like that you are just dreaming." Said Ruhan who got a bit annoyed.
No, I'm not you are the one who is dreaming, I've been observing you since you returned. You are so lost in your dreamland, what happened at the bank that you are so happy about it that you can't stop thinking about it?" Frowned Vivaan.
"Hey! Niva I got chocolates from Australia specially for you, you should try them. You'll love it." Ruhan said while diverting the topic.
"Oh really! Where are they, I want to taste them." She said with excitement.
"They are in my room but don't worry Vivaan will get them for you, won't you Vivaan?" He asked.

Vivaan was upset about Ruhan's behaviour, but still nodded in response and went to bring the chocolates.

Ruhan's Pov:-

We were watching a movie when that scene came up. It was so similar to the incident that took place at the bank. I was just remembering that incident, to be more specific I was thinking about her. She was so beautiful and had such innocence in her eyes. I didn't realise when a smile formed on my face, that's when my chain of thoughts was broken by my best friend Vivaan. He said I was blushing, like seriously! I know I was smiling but blushing, no, never in a million years. I don't blush. But he was adamant, he had gotten suspicious about me, and wanted to know what had happened but I didn't want to share it, so to avoid that topic, I sent him to grab chocolates from my room. Wait! I have kept her earrings on the table, Vivaan is going to my room. Oh no! Before he finds the earring I have to stop him.

Pov ends.

He ran towards his bedroom as fast as he could. When he reached there he saw Vivaan at the doorstep, pushing him aside and dashing into the room. He couldn't find the earring anywhere, it wasn't on the table.
"Bro, Do you need something?" Asked Vivaan.
"Nope." He replied with confusion.
"Ok, then let's go." Saying so Vivaan came out of the room and Ruhan followed him.

All of them had the chocolates and were having a casual conversation. The whole time Ruhan was tensed, he couldn't figure out where that earring must have gone.
"Ruhan you seem tense, What happened? Is everything okay?" Asked Aashi with concern.
"Yeah everything's alright, it's just that I have misplaced something important."
"Tell us what it is, and we'll help you find it." She replied.
"No no it's alright, I'll find it myself."
Saying so he stood up and started going.
"Is this what you are searching for?" Said Vivaan, with a smirk while holding the earring in midair.

Ruhan turned to see what it was and he was stunned. Without any second thought, he rushed towards Vivaan and tried to take the earring but missed it as Vivaan withdrew his hand from there.
"Where did you find this?"
"Where you had kept it." He replied casually.
"Ok, now give it back?"
"First you tell me what happened at the bank and to whom this belongs?"
"Nothing happened there, now give that back to me." He said with a stern look.
"Ok, fine, then I won't return this."
"Stop being childish, give it back."
"Oh God! Ruhan why don't you tell him what happened, you know how stubborn he is. Honestly, now even we want to know what happened, whose earring is this and why you are having it." Said Niva.

He sighed defeatedly and narrated the entire incident to them.
"OMG! So this is the reason why you were blushing while watching that scene." Said Sid teasingly.
"How many times should I tell you I wasn't blushing." He said a bit irritated.
"See, I told you something was fishy. Now, thank me because everything is clear." Vivaan said with a winning smile on his face.
"Shut up Vivaan! You tell me how she looked, was she beautiful?" Questioned Aashi curiously.
"She was very beautiful and cute, her eyes were clearly saying what an innocent soul she was." He said dreamily.
"Ok, we understood she was beautiful and all. Now, back to the earth Ruhan." Said Sid.
"Oh ho! Kuwar sa love at first sight." Aashi teased further.
(Prince = Kuwar sa)
"Shut up it's nothing like that." He replied hesitantly.
"We'll see, we'll see bro." Said Sid.
"You know even my tenant's daughter has the same earrings." Said Niva.
"Really?" He said with hope and excitement.
"Yup but I don't like her, you know, she is so self-centred. She doesn't even pass a smile. The entire family is good but I don't know what's wrong with her." She said frustrated.
"Do you have her pic?" Ruhan asked.
"Yes but as per your description, I don't think it could be her." She replied casually.
"But still I want to check. Please show me her pic." He requested her.

She replied with an okay and showed him her pic. As soon as he saw that pic he got stunned.

Whose pic was it? Was it of the women he bumped into? Why does Niva have such a view about her tenant's daughter? Did that earring belong to her tenant's daughter?

To know stay tuned.

The next section will be updated shortly. And sorry for the late update. Please don't forget to vote for this chapter and share your thoughts on it in the comments below. Until then, take care! Thank you for reading this novel.

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