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[ Y/n ]

I've known Mike Schmidt since I was a baby. Our moms were best friends. Micheal is two years older than me. He is 24 and I'm 22.

He has brown hair and hazel eyes. He wears the most boring clothes I have ever seen in my life. He doesn't bother with friends. And above all else, Micheal is the angriest person I have ever met.

He breaks things and gets into fights. He gets angry over the smallest things and turns them into something huge. He is cold and bitter to everyone he meets.

Everyone except me and his little sister Abby.

Abby is only nine. She draws all over everything and she loves Mike to death.

When Mike's mom died, his dad stopped showing up completely. He stayed in the basement and didn't acknowledge anyone in the house. My dad was already a deadbeat so I knew that feeling.

His mom's death hit my mom hard. She became a recluse like Mike's dad. We spent our teenage years getting into things we shouldn't of and spending all our time together.

Mike told me he would marry me one day. When he could afford a proper wedding. That's when he'll marry me.

There's one more thing. Something we don't talk about. Mike used to have a little brother... Used to.

A familiar loud buzzer sounds and I look up from my feet. Mike walks out and gives me a guilty smile. He pulls me into a tight hug.

"Listen baby, I'm so sorry. I swear that was the last time. I'm gonna get this under control." He mutters into my ear.

I kiss his cheek and pull away to look at his face. "What are you going to tell Abby?" He has a bruise under his eye and a cut on his cheek.

"I got it at the gym... Like I always tell her. Where is she anyways?" Mike looks around like I would bring Abby to the police station.

"She's at after school care." I lean against Mike's arm and we start walking towards the exit. "So, you got fired." I mumble. "Yeah." He opens the door for me.

"Mike, why don't I get a job? We can put Abby in daycare." I look over at him, he avoids me by checking the street.

"Abby's 9. She's too old for daycare. We can't afford a babysitter... You know that."

"We could if I wasn't bailing you out every other month."

Mike laughs and nods. "That's true..." We've talked about his problem before. A social worker referred us to a support group. One that we couldn't find the time to go to.

Since then we've bought workbooks and watched videos and done everything to try to manage his temper on our own. Clearly it's not working out well.

Mike opens the passenger door for me, kissing my head before I get in. When I'm in he shuts the door and hurries to the drivers seat.

"Can I get a real kiss?" He asks when he gets in. I look over at him and he smiles pleadingly. I lean forward, pressing a kiss onto his lips.

Micheal grabs my cheeks and deepens the kiss. He was only in jail for a few hours but he kisses me like it's been years.

When we pull away he tucks some hair behind my ear. "Thank you." He whispers. "I know..." I kiss his cheek and pull back to buckle my seatbelt.

False God ★ M. Schmidt Where stories live. Discover now