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Just keep reading,
it will make sense

[ Y/n ]

My fingers glide across the rim of my glass at the bar. Flashing lights and music are blaring behind me. I pick up my glass and take a sip from it.

"Can I get a whiskey? Thanks."

A man sits down next to me and the bartender goes to get his drink. I look over at him and scan his outfit. He's wearing well loved jeans and a grey long sleeved shirt.

He looks back at me and scans me from top to bottom. "I'm Mike." He leans closer so I can hear him over the music. "Y/n." I smile. He gets his drink and takes a quick sip from it.

Irresponsible. This is so irresponsible... It makes me practically squirm in my seat.

"Why are you here?" I ask, pushing aside my thoughts and leaning in. My dress slides off one of my shoulders and exposes more of my chest. Mike quickly fixes it for me.

"Just need to relax." He sips his drink again. "What about you?"

I place a hand on his knee and run my nail between the threads. "Just looking to have some fun." My eyes meet his again and he sucks in a deep breath.

He studies me for a moment before shaking his head in defeat. Mike pulls out his wallet and places two bills down on the counter.

"I'll pay for hers too." He calls to the bartender before he gets the change. Mike stands up and grabs my hand, pulling me after him.

I step carefully as to not fall in my heels trying to keep up with him. He unlocks the car and opens my door for me. I get in and quickly check myself out in the mirror.

Mike opens his door and gets in. He immediately leans over and presses a heated kiss onto my neck. I place a hand in his hair and rest my head back against the seat.

"You look too fucking good." He grumbles against my skin. "Mike... You're so bad at roleplay..." I whisper.

"How am I supposed to stay 'in character' when you basically exposed yourself to the entire bar?" He grabs my jaw and pulls me to look at him.

"You're mine."

"All yours." I lean in desperate for his lips. Mike teases me for a moment before kissing me. I melt into the kiss, leaning further into him. The sun beats down on my knees.

I open my mouth and the taste of whiskey and iron hits me. I pull away and sigh. "Someone could see us." I mutter. "Who cares? And who else is at the bar at noon?" He leans back in and kisses me again.

Mike's hand falls from my face and onto my waist. He tries to pull me closer but my hip hits the center console. I pull away again and brush his hair out of his face.

"Let's finish at home."

Mike fumbles with the keys for a moment and then jams them into the ignition.

The drive home seems excruciatingly long. Mike keeps his hand on my thigh the entire time. When we pull into the driveway, he parks sloppily and quickly gets out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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